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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Guest Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:06 pm

Winter sipped her coffee, leaning against the counter with a smirk. Her mouth coverings were folded up and on her nightstand. Though she rarely used her own bedroom now a days, instead sharing Scotty Boy's over the past week. It had been almost a week since he had purposed, and Winter was a bit more used to the idea that she was engaged. Winter set the cup on the counter with a strong click and thud. Walking into the bathroom, she pushed it closed with a foot. Taking off her hood, Winter ran a bath still deep in thought.

She had been having doubts, it seemed like anything she said to Scotty Boy he simply would nod and smile. Yes, he cared about her.. But, he was trying to hard, like she was a bird to be frightened away if he spoke to harshly. Winter didn't like being treated as though she was fragile, Winter thought to herself. Distracted Winter jumped into the bath sinking up to her nose in a pout. Thinking about his proposal, she was not human. True... But still, even for her it was strange. They hadn't even been dating, she had not even known he had loved her.

She had him pined when he had asked the question, it had struck her completely off gaurd. Leaning back, Winter's futurekind smile was crooked and she took her hands off of his. Marry Me? He had asked, Winter leaned over him once again. Her hair falling into his face. no She would have said, she should have said. Winter sighed, sinking lower into the water hiding her cowardly shame in the soapy bubbles. A montage running through her head of reactions. A laugh, then a definate no. A grin, then a kind hearted response of Marriage is not for me. Try a human who loves you. Crossing her arms and tilting her head Marriage 'tis not for me. A thousand reactions, all of them resulting the same.NoNoNoNoNo!

So why had she said yes? Winter wondered, in her pout she blew bubbles out of her nose watching them rise to the surface and pop.


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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Remington Scott Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:58 pm

Remington knew things were going to be different between Winter and himself. He just had to get use to it. He knew he was going to propose to her someday, but he wasn't expecting those words to come out of his mouth a week ago.  

He knew he was acting a bit like a child who didn't want to get their toy broken, he knew sooner or later Winter was going to say something to him. He decided to get it over now instead of later. If they talked about everything now, then they could focus on the wedding later.

Remington went to look for her in the house. He thought he heard something in the bathroom he headed her there. Winter had left the door open. He wasn't sure if it was by mistake or she thought he wouldn't be home so soon. Remington saw Winter in the bathtub, which was filled with bubble.

"Woah….sorry about that Winter. Didn't know you we taken a bath." Remington said, as he made a U turned and left the bathroom, but he stop at the entry way and was facing away from the bathtub. He was blushing. He had never seen Winter in anything but her clothes. To see her now even when the bubble covering her was a bit awkward. He hand never been in a situation like this before. He did have to admit he did like her with her hair down and without the mouth guard on.
Remington Scott
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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Guest Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:16 pm

Winter rolled her eyes, reaching over she took her arm out from the bubbles and picked up her bent stone knife. What did he expect? She was in the bathroom, did he expect her to be playing poker?

"Oh do calm down Scotty Boy, I am far to old to be flattered by such things." Winter popped her head from under the water, her hair was wet so it hung down into her eyes. Uninterested, Winter tucked the bangs behind her ear. Her hair was unevenly cut, the bangs being longer then the back of her head. The tips of the bangs came down to about her chin, while the back of her head was a bob cut.

Winter looked over to Scotty Boy with a grin. How modest he was.. Winter smiled, crossing her arms on the side of the tub Winter played with the knife in her boredom, spinning it between her fingertips. She leaned against the side, setting her chin on the edge.

"Scotty Boy, we require a talk." Winter said simply,
"I do not wish to be treated as though I am fragile. You simply sit there, and parrot my words back to me. You act as though if you do not agree with every word I speak that I will shatter into a thousand heart broken peices." Winter growled, as a FutureKind she growled like a beast when she was aggraveted.

"I respect a man with an opinion. Simply because we are together does not mean that we always have to see eye to eye on every discussion. Do you know, we have never had a single fight?" Winter asked, chatting away and completely comfortable with her postition. After all, she was hidden in the tub anyway.


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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Remington Scott Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:56 pm

Remington knew she was right. They had never had a fight yet. He knew there would be fights in the future.

"I understand where you are coming from. From now on I will let you know how I feel about things." Remington said, as he heard her growled. He knew when she started to do that he was skating on thin ice with her.

He really didn't want to upset her any more then he already did, the answer he gave was exactly what he was going to do. Relationships weren't suppose to be sugar and spice and everything nice.
Remington Scott
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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Guest Sun Sep 01, 2013 8:29 am

Winter raised an eyebrow, this was exactly what she was talking about! Winter let out a deep sigh, Winter rubbed her forehead aggravated. She had a deep black tattoo on her left shoulder. It was centered and black as night. The top of the tattoo was a horizontal line, thick and curling up at the end and start. Two tails trailed from the line into a curve, nearly connecting in a circular pattern. There appeared almost as though it was a brush stroke, thick on the beginning and light and pointed on the end. In the center of the circle the tails left, was a small circle that had the design of the ying yang on it. Though, the two colors were red and blue instead of black and white.

Winter smiled slightley, time for a little test. Winter decided, with a miscievious smirk.

"I am going to get a new tattoo, as the FutureKind often do. It is used to identify and proclaim ones status," Winter smiled with a michievious glint in her eyes. "As you know, my story is a long one. Therefore it shall take up over half of my face." Winter smirked, and laid her cheek on the edge of the tub.

"The FutureKind often use scars instead of ink, so do not be surprised if I arrive later with a scarred face." Winter tested him, surely... He would say his opinion and attempt to stop her from doing such irreversable damage. Winter didn't need scars to identify herself to a dead species, they had all known her upon looking at her hair or her eyes. Her traits were rather... Defining.


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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Remington Scott Sun Sep 01, 2013 2:23 pm

Remington wasn't sure exactly what she was going to say about what he had said. He waited for her answer.

When she told him she was going to get another tattoo and it would be on the face, he did not like the idea of her ruining her pretty face. It was her body and she could do what she wanted with it. He wasn't going to be happy with it.
"Okay tattoos are fine. Can we decide to put the tattoo somewhere other then your face. Maybe on you leg or something." Remington said. He hoped she would decide to put the tattoo on herself just not on her face.
Remington Scott
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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Guest Sun Sep 01, 2013 2:42 pm

Winter hung her head.
"You have failed my test." Winter stood up and wrapped a nearby towel around herself. He wasn't even looking her direction, she could do whatever she pleased and he would be oblivious. Childishly, Winter stuck out her tongue at his turned back.

"How often must I say it? State your opinion, and state it loudly. How am I supposed to know what you want, if you just quietly think to yourself about how you wished it was different, despite what you think. I am no mind reader." Winter grumbled, there was a difference in saying what one wanted, or desired and another in ordering one about. She knew that eventually, he would be tired of nodding and smiling at her remarks and she would be the one to blame. She knew that if it continued the way it was, this relationship he wanted so badly would not last a month.

Winter walked over to Scotty Boy, tapping him on the shoulder she smirked.

"You can turn around now, I am out." Winter grinned, realising she had forgotten something she let the water out of the bath and stepped down the hallway in her barefeet and dressed in a towel. Her clothes were in her room, besides.. Who cared? She looked behind her, and chuckled at his blush.

"A tattoo, did you really think I would get something so permanant?" Winter asked, she could hardly believe that he had fallen for her trick, that he had failed it as well.


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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Remington Scott Sun Sep 01, 2013 5:17 pm

"Winter my dear that is me stating me what I want. I am not one to be loud about it what I want. I am not going to yell it. I don't say it quietly either. I know your not a mind reader." Remington said, he knew he would have to work on things in this relationship. He would do just that. He wasn't going to give Winter up without a fight. Then he felt her tap him on the shoulder and tell him she was done. He turned around and looked at her.
"Your body is your own. If you want to get a tattoo I am not going to stop you from getting one. I can let you know what I think, but I can't tell you what you can or can't do."

He knew there had to be fights, if there weren't then this relationship wasn't going to work and that was what he didn't want.
Remington Scott
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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Guest Sun Sep 01, 2013 5:46 pm

Winter was used to people shouting what they wanted, what they desired. She was used to others telling her directly and plainly what they wanted, their opinions. She would have to listen more closely when he spoke for subtext. He wouldn't say directly what he wanted, would only agree with her because he didn't want to lose her. She couldn't blame him at all.

"Shall we comprimise? You, say what you desire.. And I will try to listen to your words more carefully." Winter walked down into her room, her clothes lay crumbled up on her bed. Winter stepped up, taking the clothing off the bed top. She knew that he would turn, he was such a silly boy. Winter smiled to herself, and changed into her nearly trademark clothes.

"Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?" Winter asked, tapping her chin as she tilted her head with a smile. She left her mouth coverings off, as it lay beside her hood. She had decided to keep the hood off, she had a feeling that he would appreciate that. Winter picked up a hairbrush, and quickly ran it through her hair. Her hair was unevenly cut, the bangs being so very long and the back being very short. As if she had her hair in a pony tail when she had cut it off herself, of course.. It hadn't been in a ponytail, instead she had gathered it in her fist and chopped it off with her knife.

The hairbrush caught in a tangle and Winter grumbled annoyed, feeling it pull at her hair. Must have been some time since she had last brushed it, Winter decided. Her hood didn't help anything, as it ruffled her hair into many tangles when she had it on.


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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Remington Scott Sun Sep 01, 2013 8:07 pm

"I think compromise is a good thing." Remington said, as they moved back to her room. He turned to let her dress. Then when she was done he turned back around. She was combing her hair, but it got caught in a knot.

"Winter hand the brush over to me. I am going to comb your hair for you. I am not going to take no for an answer. "Remington said. He hoped that didn't seem rude or to much of a demand. He just wanted to do something nice for Winter so she could try and relax. He knew she probably wouldn't, but it didn't hurt to try and get her to relax.  "I would like to learn more about you. I want to get to know you better. Maybe even learn your language."
Remington Scott
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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Guest Mon Sep 02, 2013 8:49 am

Winter smiled, even she could not miss his opinion. She did not have to search for meaning behind his wordings, and that was more of Winter's expertise. When someone was so direct in their wishes, Winter would usually comply if it wasn't to troublesome for her. Winter tossed the brush to him, and turned, climbed up onto the bed, sitting down in the middle of the bed with her back to him. Staring at the wall, Winter grinned to herself.

"I actually like another's help when brushing my hair. I think it is rather cute." Winter admitted.

"You wish to know more about me? To know my language? Very well. However, we shall trade. I ask a question, and then you do. Any question you like, but I get to start."

"Ladies first, after all..." Winter said in a sing song voice, with a wide and amused grin.

"Let us pretend that you are walking in a book store, surrounded by any and every book that you can imagine. You can only select one book, what book do you select?" Winter asked, she would use it to her advantage. He had given her a few gifts, and she felt that it was her own turn. Of course, it had to be a surprise.. Thus she asked the question.


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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Remington Scott Tue Sep 03, 2013 9:39 pm

Remy caught the brush. Then he waited until she sat down in the middle of the bed. Her back was to him. Once she was settled he went over and started to comb her hair with a smile on his face.

"I have to agree with you on that." Remington said, as he worked a knot out of her hair.
"Yes. I would like to know more about you and your language. Trading is good. Okay no question is off limits with me.Of course ladies first." Remington said. He listened to her question. He had to think about it for a couple of minutes.

I would have to say the book would be Book One of The Sword of Truth Series, by Terry Goodkind."

The series was long, but he did like reading the first part of the series. The second part of  the series it was a little redundant. It was the book he would pick.
Remington Scott
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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Guest Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:16 am

Winter looked over to Scotty Boy in interest, causing him to pull on her hair harder then he meant to.

"You seem unexperianced." Winter complained, rubbing the back of her head. She didn't see it as her own fault, more that he had not been expecting it, and thus was rather unexperianced.

"Alright then, first word is Shanedan. 'Tis a respectful greeting, it is translated directly into 'I will hear you now'. Here is my challenge, use my word that I just taught you.. Shanedan, in a sentence." Winter challenged.

"Your turn to ask a question."


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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Remington Scott Thu Sep 05, 2013 12:08 am

"Yes, I never really dealt with woman hair before. Sorry about that my dear. I will try and be more careful, do you want me to continue brushing?" Remington asked as he looked at her. He did wonder what he was going to learn from her. What was he going to asks her.
"Shanedan my dear Winter, how is the weather today?" Remington replied. He knew the question he wanted to ask and he was going to ask it.
"In the time you have lived do you have any kids?"

Last edited by Remington Scott on Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Guest Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:54 am

" 'Tis fine. Besides, you can only get better with experiance." Winter said, looking straight ahead again. She smiled when he said the phrase she had taught him, he had such an accent.. But it was nice to hear her language come from someone else. As no one knew it but her, it was a constant reminder that she didn't belong in the time. Hearing someone else say, and know the phrase left Winter nastalgic and a bit proud.

"Next word. Parshaara, pronounced Par-share-ah. It means 'Goodbye', the literal translation is 'take refuge in saftey'. Use it in a sentence." Winter continued, teaching him another word.

Winter growled annoyed and frustrated with Scotty Boy when he asked his question. He already knew her answer to that question! She had already told him about Ildas. She knew she had, when they were playing truth or dare.

"None that live." Winter mumbled depressed. He already knew that her daughter had died.. Why would he ask her again? Did he wish to dredge up old memories? Cause her pain?

"My turn. You already knew about Ildas. I already told you, during our game of Truth Or Dare. So why, in hell do you ask me about her?" Winter glared, turning around to look at him with a hurt expression. Winter put on an angry expression, anger didn't hurt her. Anger didn't cause her pain. It was a self defense of hers, it was how she coped. If she was badly hurt, she was only hurt for an instant. Then she was angry. For once, she wished that she hadn't told him.


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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Remington Scott Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:06 am

"That is right.  I will get better with practice." Remington said, as he held the brush out for Winter to take if she wanted to continue to comb her own hair instead of him.

"For you my dear Winter I will never say Parshaara, only going to say see you next time."

He heard Winter groan in annoyance as he asked her about her chid. He winced he did remember them playing truth or dare a while back,but he didn't remember if he asked that question or not  He guess he did because Winter was not happy with him at the moment. He looked over at Winter.

"Honey the reason I asked is all through your life you have to have more then just one child. I just want to know about all of them. I want to know all about all of them not just about Ildas.  I know you don't want kids, but what happens if we do have a child how will life be fore us?"
Remington Scott
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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Guest Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:11 am

"You can continue, if you so wish." Winter waved an absent minded hand to the hair brush.

"You flatterer" Winter smiled, winking at Scotty Boy. His little nicknames were certainly new. She rather liked the nicknames, they changed often and without warning. Winter was not used to being flattered, not used to how he called her such nicknames. She grinned wide, and a touch of a blush played on her cheeks.

"Next word them, Kost. Pronounced coh-sst. It means 'peace'. It does not have a literal translation, though it does mean that you wish to stop fighting, that violence must come to an end. Use it in a sentence, Scotty Boy." Winter continued, she couldn't wait until he could fully speak her language. What fun that would be!

"No, only Ildas. And even she was not mine. A dying human gave her to me. I never found out why." Winter explained. It had confused her for such a long time, why would a dying human give a baby to a species that was known to kill? Of course, she was the only one in the pack that had not played a role in the human hunt. Winter had simply happened by, and the woman handed her the child. Winter had defended the tiny, frail and helpless thing from any harm.. Well, until she failed.

"I am making this as clear as possible. Children? Not going to happen. Never going to happen. I will never be one to waddle about pregnant, or carry a child upon my hip. Children do not like me, besides." Winter pointed out.

"It would be unethical, it would be cruel. What if the child were to have teeth like mine?" Winter asked rhetorically, it wasn't an option. He had to know that now, she had warned him of such when he had proposed. If he couldn't understand that, couldn't come to terms with it. Then he would have to find a human wife, because Winter was not going to change her opinion on such things.

"My turn, do you have parents Scotty Boy?"


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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Remington Scott Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:12 pm

Remington did continue to brush her hair, but was more careful not to pull her hair hard. He listened as she gave him the next word.
"We are his to Kosh not argue and fight amongst ourselves." Remington said. He was glad he was getting know more about Winter.
"Okay, just making sure your positive about this."
Remington pause at what she said about if she did have a child about their teeth. "It's good you are thinking ahead."

Remington wasn't going to let that get in the way.

Then she asked her question. He was quiet for a moment. He brushed her hair a few times.
"Yes, I had parents, but they died when I was eighteen I still miss them everyday. Any other question you would like to ask me?"

He brushed a few more times. He wasn't sure what to ask her now, so he asked her if had anymore question for him. He just continued to brush her.
Remington Scott
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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Guest Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:58 pm

"No." Winter said, catching the brush in her hand when he went to run it through her hair again.

"No. I have no more questions to ask you." Winter said, every now and then he would get like that. Where he would give up, Winter didn't divulge her secrets, mostly because she never thought of them. Sometimes, she had to be asked directly before she would recall that he had such an interest.

"I killed my parents." Winter took the brush, taking into her hand and turning it in her thoughts.

"Or, I tried to. One of them survived, and returned the favor." Winter remarked cryptically. Her mother had told her how Winter would die, what kind of mother did that?! It was cruel, though it did make her far more confident, it was cruel to know how one would die. People didn't know, for a reason.


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Little Imperfections // Remington Scott Empty Re: Little Imperfections // Remington Scott

Post by Remington Scott Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:12 am

Remington listened to what Winter had said about her family.
"I am not sure what to say." Remington said, as his cellphone went off. He knew he had to go an check something he had in his room. "Winter I will leave you to it, I have to go check on something."

Remington headed out the door.

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