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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Clara Oswald Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:37 am

Clara really had not wanted to get involved with this whole stupid situation, but since she was Clara of course she ended up getting caught up. Quite literally. These two guys had been walking around carrying guns and naturally Clara yelled at them when they started tormenting kids and parents and just people in general. Of course, she then got knocked out and tied up in the back of their stupid car. Oh but it wasn't over. Then they went to their base or whatever it was, and they left her in the boot for at least ten minutes or more. Then there was a car chase with the police and a few times, the police cars bumped into the back of the car she was in, which of course caused her pain. Eventually, though, the criminals were caught and she managed to make enough noise so that they let her out. Her injuries looked worse in the sunlight; blood and bruises all over, and her arm was broken. Lovely.

Anyway, some paramedics sorted her out but they said she couldn't go home yet since she was going to be questioned. A frustrated sigh left her lips as they said this, but they told her they'd be here for some time, so they got a chair, sat her down in it and wrapped a blanket around her. Even if Clara was acting tough and mumbling and grumbling, she was in shock and she was also scared. Plus it felt like she was broken all over, the way her bones were aching. Still, she managed to keep her cool and she watched as people come and went. She briefly wondered what exactly was going on, but she didn't ask. All she knew was those two guys were threatening people and carrying guns, and her big mouth didn't let that pass. She just had to yell at them, didn't she? A frown appeared on her features. Why was she such an idiot? Nobody could really answer that question.

Clara suddenly completely passed out, right there with a blanket wrapped round her. She wasn't sure how long she was out for, but soon enough she could hear voices somewhere around her, and her eyes started to flicker open. She let out a groan; her injuries felt even worse now. She tried to open her eyes properly, but unfortunately, they didn't seem to want to do anything at the moment....oh joy. So she just had to slowly ease herself up. But Clara wasn't even sure if she was at the crime scene still, or somewhere else...bloody criminals. Stupid, stupid Clara. Her brain was yelling at her but she couldn't comprehend anything just yet..
Clara Oswald
Clara Oswald
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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Jonah Clayworth Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:13 am

"Why is it that every time something happens, I'm the one who has to question the incompetent victims!?" Jonah had been stomping through the hall as he followed the captain of the task force toward the room where the girl was waiting. Of course, he didn't answer, because time and time again, this is what Jonah always did. It was something he was given because of his skills of memory. He can see things clearly, remember them, and use them to the force's advantage. The story, the wounds, and the backup to match.

Finally arriving to the room, he and the captain looked down to see the girl, looking quite bewildered and she was wrapped up in a blanket like a child, to which Jonah gave a very hesitant look to the captain, not wanting to be apart of this. "Miss Oswald, this is detective Clayworth. He's here to ask you a few questions and he will then escort you home," the captain spoke before leaving the room.

Slamming the door behind his captain, Jonah had leaned against the wall for some time, biting his lip with his hands tightly clenched together. He needed to cool off for a moment before he could begin this long, difficult trial of asking a helpless victim all these questions to expect vague, invaluable answers. Sitting down across from Clara at the metal table, he watched her for a few moments in the single lamp-lit room.

She looked like she really took a beating and he could see that. With monotonous eyes, he sniffed with an unsympathetic look, waiting to find the right words. "Hello. I'm Jonah. I'm going to ask you a few questions and you will answer with detail to your best ability. I don't except one word answers, I need the facts and they must be admissible in court," he started. "What happened first and what lead to you being tied up?"
Jonah Clayworth
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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Clara Oswald Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:48 am

Clara's eyes finally adjusted and in an instant she knew where she was; the room people got questioned in. Well that was just bloody brilliant. She stared at the floor, trying to imagine what questions they might ask her, and how she'd answer them. She almost didn't hear the captain and the detective enter...almost didn't. When the captain spoke to her she lifted her gaze to look at him for a moment, before she looked at detective Clayworth. Ooh, well he's a looker...Clara, shut up! this is no time for that, her thoughts started to argue as she returned her gaze to the captain, nodding to signify that she understood.

She could tell that this detective was not in the best of moods, but of course he was calming himself down. She watched him quietly as he sat in front of her, and then she let her gaze drop to the table nervously. She remembered most of what happened but she felt like her head had been hit really hard and some parts of the incident were a little foggy. She was sure they'd come back though, with time. Then he spoke, and when he did Clara looked at him, listening. She nodded as he told her his name. "Clara. But I suppose you already know that." instantly when the words had left her lips she felt better, as if keeping her silence had made her feel worse (although she couldn't see how it would). Shaking those thoughts from her mind she continued listening to what he was saying to her.

She drew in her breath when he asked the first question, and then she began to explain. "Those two men were walking around with their guns at the ready, and they were threatening people...even kids." Clara suddenly blushed, feeling foolish. "I sort of...stood up for the people they were threatening and I got tied up." she said, averting her gaze to the table again and trying to stop blushing. She was extremely stupid and doing what she did could have gotten her killed. She was pretty sure Jonah Clayworth now thought she was an attention seeker or something.
Clara Oswald
Clara Oswald
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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Jonah Clayworth Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:05 pm

Listening to her story, he lightly shook his head, thinking about it. Again, even if he said not to, there were vague answers. And then she went on about standing up for the kids... and although he would usually admire that, it was the fact that she seemed so small and shy. What made her think she would win that type of fight?

He decided to keep his lips sealed about the whole vague thing to let her continue on with her story. Of course there were a few details missing, but for the most part things seemed to match up. "Because of all that has happened, you're not going to be questioned anymore today, but in the next week, you will need to schedule an appointment with our forensic sketch artist so we can find the men."

As much as he disliked associating with people, he could tell that she was shaken up as it was and didn't feel the need to make her feel worse with his own comments. Yes, he was rude, but he was honest. But right now, he didn't think she needed that. Looking down with a bitten lip, he put his pen down and sealed his notes in an envelope, leaving it on the table to be picked up later.

"So, I understand you're going home today?" he asked. "I've been told to escort you home. I will also be following you around and keeping watch of your home for the next few weeks for safety measures. So you better get comfortable with me around," he sighed. He hated this part of the job. He wanted to be the one solving the crime, not protecting the civilians. Still, he had to work his way up to do that.
Jonah Clayworth
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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Clara Oswald Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:29 am

Clara nodded as he spoke. "I'll sort out an appointment as soon as I can." she replied. After all, as shaken as she was, she knew all this was compulsory so they could find and arrest the men, who had obviously gotten away. that was always annoying; as stupid as criminals may have acted, they nearly always knew how to make an escape. From Clara's point of view it seemed that way, at least.

She watched him quietly for a few moments, wondering what exactly he was thinking. She was surprised, to say the least, that he was being nice and rather patient with her. From what Clara knew, many people weren't this patient with the victims they were questioning. Still, she wasn't complaining, of course she wasn't. when he spoke again she nodded. "Yeah, I'll be headed home." she replied, before listening again as he explained what was going to be happening.

Clara only just managed not to raise an eyebrow. He'd be following her around? Well now that would be interesting. "Right, understood." she said, nodding. "Although wouldn't you rather be solving the crime than looking out for me?" Clara wasn't stupid; she could tell, for some reason, that he'd definitely rather be doing something more 'exciting', like helping close the case, than just looking after an ordinary (and boring, her mind added) woman like her.
Clara Oswald
Clara Oswald
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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Jonah Clayworth Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:36 am

At Clara's comment, Jonah scowled. "I didn't exactly ask for this job, but since I'm the new guy on the totem pole, of course I get stuck doing the protection of victims. If I had it my way, I'd be out finding evidence. Of course, they have other blokes who are apparently better than me on the team, like Sherlock." Saying Sherlock's name invoked a bitter expression on Jonah's face.

"I can't have anything to do with it unless asked, so I have to follow you around until the criminals are locked up," he sighed. "Just pretend I'm not there. Really, I don't work well with others, so it's best we keep it that I'm not really there." He shook his head for a moment, thinking about everything. This was his first time actually following someone around because usually criminals were caught so quickly. This one would process a bit longer.

Getting up from his seat, he opened the door to allow Clara to leave. He really wasn't going to enjoy any of this, and he could already tell. His boss knew how he handled working with others, and he figured that he was just trying to test him. He would be promoted unless he could work well with other people, he guessed.
Jonah Clayworth
Jonah Clayworth

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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Clara Oswald Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:57 am

Upon hearing about Sherlock, Clara's face twisted into a scowl. "Sherlock Holmes? I'm surprised that he still has time to solve cases since he's spending a lot of it with his girlfriend." her tone was surprisingly bitter; ever since the whole Amy thing, Clara had developed a grudge against Sherlock, although technically speaking she didn't really know him. Still, that didn't stop her disliking him, since Amy had left her for him.

She shrugged. "However you want it. Although seriously, if you really intend on following me around, you'll have to put up with seeing me completely drunk." she warned him. That was true; she went to bars a lot and always ended up drunk, and although it could be funny, it could also be rather worrying since she could and probably would try and seduce anybody she could find. That could wind up making everything seriously awkward if she ended up trying to seduce him.

When he opened the door, Clara got up (leaving the blanket on the chair) and exited the room. She had a feeling this was going to be...interesting, to say the least. Then she remembered she was going out tonight with a couple of friends...oh dear...that might not end well if Jonah didn't stay out of drunken Clara's sight.
Clara Oswald
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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Jonah Clayworth Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:02 am

Jonah stayed quiet for the most part, but gave the ever-so-slightest smirk at Clara's remark about Sherlock. So she didn't like him either? Well maybe this wouldn't be so terrible, then. He followed her out the door as she then went on about going to get drunk, to which he narrowed his eyes.

"I don't understand why people like doing that. I've never been drunk, or really did anything social. It all just seemed so obnoxious in my opinion," he sighed as he followed her out and headed to exit the police department. As they headed out the door, he had taken her to his car, where he would then drive her home.

"Can you give me your address? I'll take you home. Unless you're hungry, then I'll take you somewhere to get something to eat," he really didn't want to, but it was a requirement--something that the enforcement does to show that they are sincere and care for the victim.
Jonah Clayworth
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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Clara Oswald Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:17 am

Clara did, of course, notice the slight smirk that appeared on his features and, although her expression remained neutral, she was rather satisfied. She hadn't seen much emotion from him so far and so even that tiniest thing made her feel like she'd achieved something. She wasn't sure exactly why that was, but she never usually questioned her thoughts and feelings and whatnot, so why do it now? A smirk played on her own lips for a moment but she quickly masked it. After all, he didn't know what she was thinking (at least, she was pretty sure he didn't) and so he'd probably think she was just weird for smirking.

"Getting drunk is both fun and obnoxious. You should do it sometime. It's called living life, detective." Clara said, smiling slightly as they headed out to his car. "I'm sure you'd enjoy yourself, if you just shut of your logical thoughts for a little while." she added as a sort of afterthought.

Clara shook her head. "I've got food and stuff at home, and I have to get ready soonish anyway. I'm going out tonight." she explained, and then she gave him her address and got into the passenger seat of his car. Most people would wait for him to tell them to get in but Clara didn't bother with all that.
Clara Oswald
Clara Oswald
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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Jonah Clayworth Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:30 am

Jonah nodded as he got into the car, waiting for Clara to do the same. He waited to reply to her comments after she was finished talking and as he turned the key into the ignition, he started to drive. "I spent my entire life studying for something I didn't even get into. I didn't have time for parties or girls or anything like that."

When he was making his way through London to her home, he thought about what she had said about getting drunk and quickly shook his head. "I can't get drunk. It'll just mess with my head. I know it will," he sighed. "I have to think logically at all times, otherwise I'm weak. I can't let anything slip past me."
Jonah Clayworth
Jonah Clayworth

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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Clara Oswald Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:36 am

Clara chuckled slightly, smiling. "Ah, so you were one of the guys who cared more about your grades than anything else?" she said. As a teenager, her grades had been pretty good, but the fact that she spent half her time studying and the other half of her time partying sort of put teachers off a little bit, she recalled fondly.

A sudden mischievous grin appeared on Clara's features. "You should come with me tonight. It wouldn't hurt just to get drunk one time, now would it?" she then paused. "Or are you too scared? My initial deductions were that you were a very brave person, but hey, I was probably wrong..." of course, Clara was saying that on purpose, trying to trick him into getting drunk with her. Because why not?
Clara Oswald
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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Jonah Clayworth Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:41 am

Jonah narrowed his eyes as she spoke and he shook his head profusely several times to her comments. "I will be accompanying you tonight because that's my job. But I will not take part in your partying behavior what-so-ever."

Was she crazy? He wasn't exactly one for partying and that didn't make him a sissy. He had duties and he had to stay sober to oblige them. If he were to get drunk (and even if he was off duty, he would never do this) while on duty and something happened, he would have terrible consequences.
Jonah Clayworth
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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Clara Oswald Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:44 am

Clara scoffed. "Okay, if you say so. Although technically that makes you boring, and I'm pretty sure detectives hate boring people." she said simply. She had a plan in mind, and she was certain that she was going to pull it off.

It didn't take long for them to get to her apartment block, and when they got nearer, she looked at him. "Do you want to come in? I could make you tea or something and you can occupy yourself while I get ready for tonight." she offered.
Clara Oswald
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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Jonah Clayworth Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:55 am

At first the idea sounded a bit out of the question, but he felt as though watching her from outside her house would get dreadfully boring. "Sure. Er... thanks," he didn't quite know how to say it. He got out of the car when they had parked and had waited for her to head inside.

"Also, detectives do not hate boring people. They hate people who are bad at what they do, or people who are too full of themselves," he added. He almost laughed at that. Almost. He shook it off quickly, waiting for her to unlock her door.
Jonah Clayworth
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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Clara Oswald Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:18 am

Clara nodded and got out of the car, shutting the door when she was out. She fumbled in her pocket and got out her keys, but she paused to listen to him. She chuckled and rolled her eyes. "I'm pretty sure Sherlock Holmes is full of himself." she pointed out, opening the door and waiting for him to follow her before she headed upstairs. When she got to her apartment she unlocked the door and went in, leaving the door open for him. "Do you take sugar and milk in your tea?" she called from the kitchen as she put the kettle on.
Clara Oswald
Clara Oswald
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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Jonah Clayworth Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:18 am

When they had arrived to her apartment, he had noticed once again that she made a remark about Sherlock. "What is it that you have against him?" he asked. When he took a seat at the kitchen table, she had gone to the kitchen, asking him a question and he thought about it.

"Well, I don't take either. I just like my tea by itself. I don't care for the flavor either, so whatever you have will do." he explained.
Jonah Clayworth
Jonah Clayworth

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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Clara Oswald Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:01 am

Clara sighed as she started making the tea and thought about answering truthfully. She didn't look up, since if she did, she was pretty sure she'd end up crying or something. "Let's just say he helped someone break my heart." she said. That could have meant anything, right? Of course it could. Besides, she didn't think she could talk about the whole Amy and Sherlock situation yet, whether she wanted to or not.

She nodded and handed the cup of tea to him, without sugar or milk in it. It was green tea, since she had a lot of that. "And what do you have against Sherlock?" she asked curiously.
Clara Oswald
Clara Oswald
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What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah Empty Re: What The Hell Happened?! // Jonah

Post by Jonah Clayworth Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:28 am

Sherlock helped someone break her heart? Well, he knew people thought he was charming, but he never took Sherlock for the relationship type. "I see," Jonah said simply, unsure of how to answer very well. He pursed his lips for a moment as he waited for a moment and heard her ask him the same question.

"Well, let's just say that he and I have creative differences," Jonah shrugged. "He and I are actually similar in a way... by that I mean we lack proper emotions for certain situations... and that causes us to clash when we are together, especially if we do not agree on something. We solve case in a very different way."

He sighed, shaking his head. "There are only a few detectives left in London, and I'm going to have to shadow one of the them when I start solving cases. If I get stuck with him... I might shoot myself."
Jonah Clayworth
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