The Adventure of the Blue Box
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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright)) Empty Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

Post by Ace McShane Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:45 pm

Ace had been back on earth for nearly 5 months after she had been stranded by the Doctor as his definition of i be right back could me seconds minutes,years and so forth and hoped that she would see him ones more to travel thought time and help in the inevitable endeavors that he get into now and then depending on your thinking forth dimensional from a time traveler perspective.

Thinking of that being one let have the wonder of seeing thing of the past and future it give good memory and nightmares some one you can never escape from,no matter how hard one try's.Including the one that she was in now as she walked down the road past a school that she vaguely remembered seeing once before from one of her earlier travels with the Professor and it was till Ace got to the main school gates did Ace spot the name of the school and her blood ran cold as she read aloud.

"Coal Hill School" and memory's flooded back to the dreaded day of the time when she meet the Daleks for the first time,the pure concentrated evil that was locked in space age pepper pot steel cage with one thing on it mind extermination of anything not Dalek, But that didn't mean that Ace gave them a pieces of her mind with her Nitro 9 and Zappy bat that got supped up thanks to the Doctor. After it insulted her height,thinking that put a little smile on her face and looked to the window and thought she saw a woman standing there looking at Ace, making her feel a little unnerved as Ace moved on a little taking her time to look back to see if the woman stopped staring.
Ace McShane
Ace McShane
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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright)) Empty Re: Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

Post by Guest Thu Nov 21, 2013 3:30 am

Barbara had not meant to stare at the girl, she knew that was rude, but the girl was both young and somewhat oddly dressed. She also moved with the time-aware confidence of one of the Doctor's girls. She had a feeling that this girl was one of the Doctor's girls from after she had left.

The girl had moved on and Barbara had backed away from the window. She had a feeling she'd un-nerved the girl, which, she hadn't meant to but she had done so before now. After a while of wondering she had taken a chance, leaving the room she was in and following the girl, keeping her distance for the time being, it wouldn't do to be caught out.

Of course the girl had stopped and Barbara had backed up a little, waiting for the girl to turn back and walk on. After a while longer she had taken a second chance.

She had seen the girl drop something and she had moved quickly to pick it up, it seemed to be a badge of some sort...

Now she had a good reason to stop the girl.

"Excuse me?"


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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright)) Empty Re: Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

Post by Ace McShane Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:32 am

Ace continued on walking as she put the thought of the past behind her as best she could with forgetting the Doctor and put her hands in her bomber jacket and trying to get warmer as the cool wind went by. That when she thought that she heard an extra set of footsteps and looked to to see who it was think hat she was being followed and quick turned to see nothing but the empty street before her and after shrugging it off,Ace carried on with her walk down memory lane.

Little did Ace know that she had some what lose one of of her pin from jacket until Ace heard a voice and jumped a little "Um Hello What do you want why are you following me ?" and looked to see it was the woman that was staring at her and felt the fear and adrenaline rising within her,think if she should run from the woman or see if the what the woman wanted.

Ace did wonder what why the woman had stopped her and thought that dew to her age she could some that playing truant from school that need to be taken back to be punished or home but Ace didn't know where home was now that the Doctor had left her here.
Ace McShane
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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright)) Empty Re: Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

Post by Guest Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:44 am

"No... No of course not."

Barbara knew she shouldn't lie but... the girl didn't need to know she had been following her, at least not yet. She paused then added.

"I just thought... is this yours?"

She opened her hand to reveal Ace's badge placed in her palm, she had been careful picking it up and it sat unharmed in her hand. She was also unharmed, despite that she could easily have drawn blood with the pin.

She had a feeling Ace was jumpy and so she spoke gently.

"Was it you I saw outside the school earlier?"


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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright)) Empty Re: Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

Post by Ace McShane Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:23 am

Ace stared at the woman to see if she could see any indication that woman was lying but she seem innocent enough and smiled and looked to what the woman had in her hand and saw it was one of the pin badges that must have come off when she walked past the railings.

"ow thank you" and took it from the woman palm of hand and looked from where it was and look in her pocket and fished out a backer for the badge and put in it rightful place on her jacket, before looking back at the woman and answered the woman question.

Ace Sheepishly spoke "um yes I hope I wasn't detracting you class or any thing and I'm Not Playing Truant,If that your implying" taking a step back think that the woman was going to try to grab her and drag her back for some detention.
Ace McShane
Ace McShane
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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright)) Empty Re: Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

Post by Guest Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:51 am

"Now, did I say that?"

Barbara asked gently, her voice both warm and, she hoped, at least a little bit calming. She hadn't meant to upset the girl, although she clearly had.

"No... you didn't distract the class. In fact, none of the kids were in today..."

She paused then added.

"We seem to have gained a police-box in the yard however."

She wouldn't let on to the girl that she knew what the Police-box really was, she didn't need the trouble it could, and more than likely, would bring.


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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright)) Empty Re: Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

Post by Ace McShane Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:41 pm

Ace was once again sheepish realizing her anger may have got to better of her and look sorry for her self at the woman "" and looked at the woman was some felt better that she didn't detract the woman from her work if that was her job.

"ow why that isn't it a School day ?" looking puzzled think that it was a day that most if not all school kids would in lesson's,not Ace thought as she was excluded after blowing up the art room and other offences. When the woman mention the Police Box Ace blood ran cold and her eye's widened with delight,"ow how did that get there it not like it just append there right ? HA HA HA"

Ace thought if that where the Professor was but didn't want to let on to the woman that she know about the Tardis.
Ace McShane
Ace McShane
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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright)) Empty Re: Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

Post by Guest Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:57 am

Barbara did feel a little pity for Ace, the girl was clearly young and hot tempered, much as Susan had been, except this girl had far more fire in her temperament. Still, she had at least acknowledged that Barbara had said nothing harmful.

"The parents aren't much keen on letting their children visit a school that has a police box landed in the front playground... it gives rather a bad impression."

The fact that Ace had tried, really tried, to laugh off the police box said it all, and Barbara smiled slightly, finally taking pity on the girl.

"I get the feeling it did... Although I've seen plenty of odd things lately... not least a young girl wearing clothes that seem to be... fairly radical for the time."

Barbara paused again, then spoke softly.

"I assume your friend has never mentioned his first travel companions?"


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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright)) Empty Re: Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

Post by Ace McShane Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:40 pm

Ace gave a confused look as the woman told her about the Tardis and where it was parked as it where and wonder why there and not somewhere less conspicuous so not draw attention it self a part from it look like a Police box of course.

When the woman spoke and said that he clothing look a bit then just out world Ace had to think on her feet,till the woman when on to say that the Doctor never spoke about his past companions and that when Ace felt the penny drop. Hard and looked at the woman "well what not to say this the new line of fashion?, As for this friend of mine dose they have a name?"

Still sticking to her guns on not reviling any thing in case this was a tick to get information but it was more confirmation then any thing.
Ace McShane
Ace McShane
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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright)) Empty Re: Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

Post by Guest Thu Nov 28, 2013 7:56 am

"Oh there's nothing to say that won't be the fashion... it just hasn't been yet."

Barbara admitted, she paused only seconds before adding.

"Well, I believe he goes by the name of Doctor."

She might have been older than Ace but she was just as smart, even if her type of smarts came from books and not the streets. Of course, by now she was capable of looking after herself, she had been forced to learn during her time with the Doctor. She paused again, this time for longer before adding.

"I believe your Doctor is recharging the ship's batteries... he always did wind them down until we crashed..."


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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright)) Empty Re: Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

Post by Ace McShane Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:03 pm

Ace waited for the woman to give something other then the Doctor but to her fears were confirmed as the woman spoke the name of the Time lord that owns the Blue box and Ace eye's when wide.

She had to think of where to go next when the woman told her that the Doctor was recharging the Tardis and making a joking comment about how he runs them down to the last drop and smiled "That sounds like the man, you think for someone that a Time lord" Ace said silently.

"I'm Ace and you are ?"
Ace McShane
Ace McShane
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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright)) Empty Re: Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

Post by Guest Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:56 am

"Barbara, Barbara Wright... It's nice to meet you Ace."

The girl still seemed guarded and yet Barbara couldn't help but like her. The Doctor always had a reason to choose his companions, and this girl, this strange, somewhat sweet and entirely feisty girl, was clearly one of them, the latest probably. At least since she had met him.


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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright)) Empty Re: Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

Post by Ace McShane Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:08 am

"pleased to meet you Barbara" saying that with a smile and wonder where to go to from here and thought it best not to talk about thing that have yet to happen in case of any time line get disrupted as such.

"so what year is this and what made the time and place so special?" thinking that there was some reason for being here other then to recharge the TARDIS and the fact of the Dalks being here but that something she may have to keep under her hat as it where.
Ace McShane
Ace McShane
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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright)) Empty Re: Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

Post by Guest Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:13 am

"It's 1965... and I have no idea what makes the year so special... but I suppose he will always have a soft spot for the place he and his grand-daughter stayed... at least for a while."

Her answer was honest, and Barbara fell silent, wondering if perhaps, just perhaps, there was a reason... a reason that was, knowing the Doctor, just a little deadly... well, that was Ace's problem now.

Still, she wondered if she shouldn't at least invite the girl into the school... before she could ask however, people began to crowd around them and she found herself saying goodbye to Ace, at least... until she saw her again.


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Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright)) Empty Re: Remembrance of the past ((Ace//Barbara Wright))

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