The Adventure of the Blue Box
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Always All Ways // OPEN

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Always All Ways // OPEN Empty Always All Ways // OPEN

Post by Reagan Asher Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:33 pm

This needed to stop. It was becoming a problem. Reagan found herself becoming increasingly active when it came to aliens. Why was she suddenly so popular with them? Could they sense she was time displaced? Reagan was running, once again, for her life, through the cold, foggy London streets that were seemingly uncrowded. The whispers followed. The shadows lurked. There was no place to hide.

Turning the corner, Reagan went to the one place she hoped was safe. The church. Although she herself was not particularly religious, her entire family found comfort in knowing that the church was considered a safe haven. Running through the doors, she found herself interrupting a Thanksgiving mass. She was panting, far more than usual, for her adrenaline rush had made her more active than usual.

"Young lady, are you alright?" the priest called out as he took a step off the podium. Looking to the windows, Reagan noticed them fog up, and her heart was still racing and she felt as though she was about to pass out. "They-they're coming..." Reagan breathed out before falling flat on her face. Everything went black.

Reagan awoke in the back room, where the priest's office was, laying on a couch with an ice pack on her head. Getting up quickly, the priest looking over her put his arm out in front of her. "Careful child! What is wrong?" At first, Reagan felt safe for once, but when she went to speak, she suddenly looked into the mirror.... and the priests reflection wasn't there. When the priest noticed this, suddenly he began to contort, his eyes turning black and his teeth becoming sharp. Reagan let out a shriek as she went for the door, running out as quickly as she could.

Where was it safe?
Reagan Asher
Reagan Asher

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Post by The Eighth Doctor Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:46 pm

The Doctor looked around the TARDIS. He had materialized somewhere he didn’t quite know but that was the fun in it, the adventure. He walked over to the door and opened it and looked around. The TARDIS had appeared in what looked like a darkened street of a town. Oh good, at least it wasn’t a Quarry. He jumped around and he closed the doors of the TARDIS and turned back around. He felt as if something was amiss. There was definitely something wrong, something going on in this place and he needed to figure out what it was. He turned again and headed back in the TARDIS and looked at the console. He was in London and that was all the TARDIS told him. She didn’t even bother to tell him what year. Oh well, he could figure it out for himself.

The Doctor exited the TARDIS once more and started walking. The Doctor started walking, silently and swiftly, trying to figure out what was going on, what gave him this unusual feeling. He stopped a moment when he heard a shriek. That was his queue. The Doctor started running, his unbuttoned blue leather jacket in the air not touching his waist anymore, trailing behind him. His brown boots hit the pavement lightly as he continued to run and stopped at a church. The Doctor stood there for a moment and decided that this was probably where the scream had come from.

The Doctor ran into the church and saw a young woman running towards him. he had grabbed ahold of her to stop her from running any  further to try to get an idea of what was going on.

what happened?” The Doctor asked quickly.
The Eighth Doctor
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Post by Reagan Asher Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:53 pm

Reagan was stopped abruptly by a man whom grabbed her with worried eyes and she began panting, looking back at the church and then back at him. "There's a man in the church! The priest! His eyes turned black--he grew fangs--" she took a breath before looking behind him. "And over there, there was another! He grew mad, he just started shaking and all of the sudden went after me!"

Moving her mess of a hair out of her face, she looked around the place and tried to calm herself. She didn't want to be around when these things came about. She had dealt with too many aliens this week, and it wasn't helping that the Doctor wasn't around. He had promised her he'd be back within the week, and here he was, gone for more than a few, once again!

"I need to find him," she mumbled to herself, "I don't belong here, too many strange things, too many aliens, too many monsters!" she shook her head. "I don't care if my family doesn't remember me, I need to get back to 1874..." her voice shook as she looked around the place. "Where the bloody hell is the Doctor when I need him!"
Reagan Asher
Reagan Asher

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Post by The Eighth Doctor Sat Nov 30, 2013 5:12 pm

The Doctor stood there holding her shoulders. She was panicked; he could see that on her face. she was panting and looking at the church and told him that there is a man in there and his eyes turned black and he grew fangs. Oh great, more vampires, thought the Doctor. He had dealt with vampires before, having decapitating them. It wasn’t something that he really wanted to do but he knew that he had to do it. he just stared at the church debating on going in there. If he did, he would be saving lives but if not, then he would be killing, in a sense.

The Doctor had let go of her shoulders and he just stood there. She had started mumbling something to herself, saying she had to find him, that she didn’t belong here, that there were too many aliens and monsters. She said that she didn’t care if her family didn’t remember her she wanted to get back to 1874. The Doctor turned his attention to her and raised an eyebrow. So this girl was out of place in time. He wondered how that happened. She had said that she needed the Doctor.

Doctor? I am the Doctor.” He said to her, his eyebrows still raised. “I don’t recall meeting you, and I don’t have amnesia, so tell me how I know you.” The Doctor then said to her. “and how did you get here from 1874?” The Doctor then asked her curiously.

The church was silent and that wasn’t a good thing, not at this moment in time. Too bad the Doctor didn’t have his sword with him. He turned a bit to look behind them and he then looked back at the girl. “We need to get to the TARDIS.” he then said.
The Eighth Doctor
The Eighth Doctor

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Post by Reagan Asher Sat Nov 30, 2013 5:41 pm

"Wait, you're the Doctor, too?" Reagan raised an eyebrow. "How many of you are there? I swear, I've met three others who claim to be the Doctor, and they all have TARDIS's, too," she sighed. "Well, if you don't remember me, you're probably a younger version of him, so that makes sense... the bloke had no problem telling me his whole crazy history and weird time lord anatomy."

When he had asked how he knew her and how she got here, a look of distress came across her face. "Daleks ruined my life, pretty much," she spoke in an annoyed tone. "They attacked my village and the Doctor came to help, and I wanted to do something to contribute. I helped him get rid of them, but after they were warded off, more Daleks came hunting me, as if I was some alien slayer. Now my name is in the most wanted books for Daleks apparently. I got sent to this time period as a safety pre-measure so that they couldn't track me, and then the Doctor went off and erased everyone's memory of the event, and now they have no idea who I even am, and I can't go back because it might risk 'burning their minds' or some deal."

She took a moment to look around, noticing how quiet it was. "Well... anyways, we tried to go back, just in case, but we got sent to some weird alternate reality where Daleks ruled the world, and they remembered who I was. So yeah. Can't go back. And now I'm some crazy magnet for aliens I guess," she sighed. When he then mentioned going back to the TARDIS, she nodded. "I'm way ahead of you, let's get out of here."
Reagan Asher
Reagan Asher

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Post by The Eighth Doctor Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:51 pm

The Doctor stared at her when she asked if he was the Doctor too. She then asked how many of them are there and that she had met three other ones as well. Well that was strange, one person meeting more than one version of him. Eight thought that they had tried to avoid that unless he regenerated in front of a friend or companion. It was also strange that three of him were running around the same time period. Usually he tried to avoid that as well. She then told him that he was a younger version of him. yeah that made sense as to why h doesn’t know her.

I had no problem- oh ok then.” The Doctor shrugged as if it was no big deal.

She didn’t seem to like the question he had asked her. She had a look of distress on her face and his expression softened. He felt for her, sort of guessing what had happened, though after she had told him, it was actually something completely different. Her story reminded him of Molly O’Sullivan, another companion he had who was a fugitive of the Daleks because she was an experiment when she was just two years old.

She then told him she must be some magnet for aliens. He let out a soft sigh. “if the Daleks named you a fugitive then they probably have a bounty on your head, or something like that. I’m sorry.” The Doctor said to her, knowing exactly what that’s like. He ran with Molly to get away from the Daleks and succeeded in saving her.

She then said she was way ahead of him and said lets go. “Come on then!” He smiled to her, as he pulled her along with him to the TARDIS. He had then opened the door and walked inside, not looking behind him to see if she had followed him inside or not. He had found where he kept his sword and stood there, staring at it. The curly haired man was conflicted. He didnt know what to do at this point in time.
The Eighth Doctor
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Post by Reagan Asher Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:58 pm

When Reagan had been pulled along to his TARDIS, she noticed a bit of a decoration change on the inside. The Doctor must love to decorate, because with each Doctor she met, something was different. She didn't say anything about it upon it happening; she simply leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath. For once she felt safe from those... rabid creatures.

Looking out the door of the TARDIS for a moment, she quickly closed the door with a look of worry. Nothing was there, but she was incredibly apprehensive of whatever it was returning to find her. "I don't know what those things are or how they get around, but it seems like everyone I tried to go to was... one of those things. I always thought a church was a safe haven, and even the priest was one of them..."

She honestly felt helpless and that there was no place to hide. She even heard the voices whisper, as if they haunted her, constantly telling her she wasn't alone and that they watched her at all times. "What are those things..?" she finally asked. "Did you see one?"
Reagan Asher
Reagan Asher

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Post by The Eighth Doctor Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:31 pm

The Doctor held the sword and he heard the TARDIS door close. He turned around and looked at her when she had said she didn’t know what they were. “They are vampires.” The Doctor replied to her and then realized he didn’t even know her name. part of him didn’t want to ask, didn’t want to get involved with this personally because he was still drowning in the guilt of losing Tasmin, Lucie and Alex and not being able to cope with the deaths of his other companions. He didn’t want that to happen to this girl. She is so young and still had a great portion of her life to live.

He figured that he would have to ask for a name though to be polite. “sorry, I never caught your name.” He then said, hoping that she would tell him. The Doctor then looked at her and he then said “yes I have seen one. I ended up killing a bunch of them a long time ago. I guess I have to kill more now.” He then said, not really wanting to but he had to do what he had to do.

He looked around the TARDIS some more and he found another sword. “can you use one?” he then asked, turning to face her again.
The Eighth Doctor
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Post by Reagan Asher Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:34 pm

Vampires? Really? Reagan knew that aliens were around, but now mythological creatures and fantasy was real too? She had no idea what she was about to get involved with. This world was absolutely crazy. She scratched the back of her head, trying to take that in completely, yet the thought of them still haunted the back of her mind. He then asked for her name.

"Reagan," she spoke. "Reagan Asher." She hoped that these vampires weren't going to pose a problem to the Doctor... Sometimes he had gotten her into whacky situations where she wasn't quite sure if he knew what he was doing. She saw the sword that the Doctor had brought out and bit her lip for a moment.

"I'm okay with a blade, but not brilliant," she sighed. "I can try though, I suppose..." was this really the solution? Killing every vampire they saw? How many were there, anyways? There was no way two people could defeat a hoard of them.
Reagan Asher
Reagan Asher

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Post by The Eighth Doctor Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:49 pm

The Doctor smiled when she said she is Reagan Asher. He then went on and said “I am the eighth version of myself. It’s a pleasure, Reagan.” He smiled to her and handed her one of the swords. He wondered what version of him she knows and what other ones she had met. He would always be curious, but didn’t really want to ask. He knew that it could be catastrophic in a way. The Doctor wondered how long it would be before he would run into himself like that. it wasn’t like it hadnt happened before. Maybe its not as bad as he thought it was.

She then said that she was okay with a blade, not brilliant. The Doctor wondered if this was going to be a good idea. He would just have to stay by her side and hope that she doesn’t get seriously hurt, or worse. “There shouldn’t be that many. Or so I hope. You said the priest was one of them right? We can start with him, unless you want to stay here. I can go on my own. Shouldn’t take that long.” The Doctor said to her wondering what she was going to say. “we have to stop them, otherwise people will continue to die. As much as I hate to say it but killing them is the only solution.” he then added with a sigh.
The Eighth Doctor
The Eighth Doctor

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Post by Reagan Asher Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:53 pm

"But... you're the Doctor," Reagan blinked. "If you're the Doctor, how can you say killing is the only solution?" she frowned. For as long as she had known that man, she had always known that the Doctor's first promise was to never kill if possible. Was this really the only way?

"If... if it's the only way, I'm coming with you, then." she nodded as she stepped forward to him. "I'm not one to just sit around and let people take care of me, I want to help if I can." Although she had only encountered the Doctor several times, she had connected with his other incarnations quite well and found herself very trusting to him. Why should this one be any different?

She then peaked out the TARDIS doors and checked the church, just watching in silence. Where was the priest? He had so vigorously chased after her before, but the moment she ran into the Doctor it was as though they had vanished. "Do they know who you are? Could they be hiding?"
Reagan Asher
Reagan Asher

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Post by The Eighth Doctor Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:51 pm

She objected. The Eighth Doctor looked at her when she said that if he was the Doctor how he could say that killing is the only solution. He let out a small sigh. That may be true for the other Doctors but he wasn’t the same doctor at the moment. “That may be true, yes but I have lost way too much to stick by that. I have killed them before,” He paused a moment and The Doctor walked over to the door and he stopped. “I regret it.” he then said about the vampires.

She started speaking. She told him that she wanted to help him and she wouldn’t wait around. She sounded a lot like his other companions. That was usually the start of it all. Maybe she would be different? Would she even agree to travel with him? There were days where he thought about going back to see Grace Holloway just to end his loneliness.

He wondered if talking to them would work. No, they were blood sucking beings that needed to kill humans to feed. There probably wasn’t anything that The Doctor could say to change that. “what are your ideas?” he finally asked her, now turning around. “thoughts, if we don’t kill them then what do we do? Leave?” he asked. He was going to let her decide. "What would you do?" The Doctor then asked her.
The Eighth Doctor
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Post by Reagan Asher Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:10 am

Thinking about it, it seemed that this incarnation of the Doctor was incredibly different than the others. She frowned at the idea of this. This must have been the one. He did say he was the eighth after all... this was the one before the War Doctor. The one who had to make the decision to change. She had to keep that small detail to herself though - it obviously had not happened for him yet.

"I understand," she said quietly when he explained that he wasn't like the others. She gave no reason to argue. She could see the sadness in his eyes and that he truly regretted it. She put a hand on his shoulder when he had mentioned so and then nodded. "You're getting a hug later. I can see it in your eyes." she gave a light smile.

When he had asked her of her ideas, she then thought for a moment. She knew a little bit about mythical vampires, but wasn't sure if there were any truths to them. "Are there any weaknesses to vampire? Sunlight won't be here for a while... so I don't know if that's useful. But what about stakes or garlic, or stuff?"
Reagan Asher
Reagan Asher

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Post by The Eighth Doctor Sun Dec 01, 2013 12:43 pm

The Doctor looked at Reagan when she said she understood. Did she really understand? Of course she had to. She lost her whole family because of he Daleks. The Doctor, like her, had lost a good number of his companions to the Daleks and other foes he had come against and he was tired of it. He was tired of loosing everyone.

He felt her hand on his shoulder. The Eighth Doctor looked down at her, turning slightly. She told him that he was going to get a hug later and that she could see it in his eyes. A smile appeared on his face. Maybe she was what he needed, the type of companion he was looking for.

She had asked about other weaknesses. "all I know is decapitation. I highly doubt that they do except sunlight." he replied to her. "other ideas?" he asked her again. "maybe we can try to trap them somehow, the only way I can think of I wouldn't dare but it might work." he said to her referring to the eye of harmony, the same way he trapped the Master. There was also the option of a time loop too.
The Eighth Doctor
The Eighth Doctor

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Post by Reagan Asher Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:22 pm

Pretty much everything included death of the vampires. Reagan took note of that as she paced around for a moment, thinking. "So there's nothing we can do to stop them while keeping them alive, huh?" she mumbled as she thought about it. "Well... I guess it's up to us to decide which death would be less miserable..."

Vampires were very tragic creatures. With very little self control, they became infected rather easily and were not known to show mercy or retreat. They either killed or died. That's how it always was, even in the storybooks. "I suppose decapitation is the least painful way, right?" she spoke rather lowly.

She opened the TARDIS doors and looked out into the midnight city, noticing how empty it was. "I have a feeling the vampires are smarter than we want to believe... do you think they travel in packs? There's something strange about the church..." Reagan spoke to the Doctor. Looking at the church, she noticed the lights were dimmer than normal, and there were sheets across the windows, as though they were trying to block the sunlight when morning came.
Reagan Asher
Reagan Asher

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Post by The Eighth Doctor Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:40 pm

The Doctor was now completely facing Reagan. She said that there was no other way to stop them besides killing, almost asking a question to him, or she did, he didn’t know if she was just repeating what he said to her in a soft tone of voice like she didn’t want him to answer. The Doctor waited for her to finish thinking and she then said that she guessed it was up to them to decide which death would be less miserable. He stood there, continuing to think about it all. No, maybe they wouldn’t have to kill them at all. The Doctor snapped his fingers and ran over to the TARDIS console. He stood there, staring at the buttons and she had then said she supposed decapitation is the least painful way, followed by right.

She had walked over to the TARDIS doors and opened them. He stopped doing what he was doing and ran over by her, pulled her back and closed the doors. He had a more brilliant idea in mind. The Doctor ignored the rest of what she was saying and made his way back towards the console.

nope, we won’t be killing them. Thank you, Ray, I think I just came up with a brilliant idea.” He smiled to her. “time loop is the answer. We will trap the church and the vampires in a time loop. Don’t worry, we will be able to get out but they won’t. It is so simple. I have done it a few times before, we can do it again!” The Doctor said, in almost an excited way. He jumped around the console, flipping switches, pushing buttons and the TARDIS started up with a roar.

ready to have some fun?” he asked her with a smile on his face.
The Eighth Doctor
The Eighth Doctor

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Post by Reagan Asher Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:45 am

Reagan felt herself being pulled back by a hand and the TARDIS doors closed on her. She looked back at the Doctor, confused for a moment, but he suddenly had an idea that wouldn't kill them. Reagan had a smile on her face. That's the Doctor I know... she thought to herself.

"A time loop?" she asked as she thought about it. So they were just going to trap all the vampires within the church in one moment of time. "Will we be able to enter the church after that, or is it going to disappear completely?" she wondered. "And are they going to be frozen in a single moment?"

This all sounded rather curious to her, and she wasn't opposed to it at all; she'd rather be frozen in time than die a painful death. It was still a rather interesting idea though.
Reagan Asher
Reagan Asher

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Post by The Eighth Doctor Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:26 pm

The Doctor had run back over to the console. He looked back at her when he had felt her eyes on him. a cheeky smile had appeared on his face. she wasn’t half bad. The Doctor continued to push more buttons and pull more levers and then he looked up at the TARDIS’s engine. She was in flight, flying to the center of the church, which would be where they would put the time loop in place.

The Doctor looked at her when she had asked if they would be able to enter the church after that or if it was going to disappear completely. “it would be like something in the corner of your eye. You will see it there, but wouldn’t think twice about it. No one would think to walk inside and couldn’t if they tried. The vampires won’t be able to get out but we will be.” The Doctor stated to her, answering her questions.

The TARDIS landed in the church and the Doctor had pushed a few more buttons. He smiled and looked at Reagan. “ready?” he asked her with a smile.
The Eighth Doctor
The Eighth Doctor

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Post by Reagan Asher Thu Dec 05, 2013 3:33 am

Reagan found all of this so fascinating. Only a few years before, she had been living a normal life, engaged to be married to a horrid man with wandering eyes and then her life got spun out of control because of a few Daleks. At first, she thought this to be a curse, and she hated every moment of living in this "new world". For the first time, she was excited to be here.

"Ready," she spoke with a grin as she looked around the place. She prepared herself for a shaky ride, holding onto a pole near the wall as she watched the Doctor intently. There was something about this particular Doctor that she absolutely adored, compared to his other incarnation that she encountered, although she couldn't put her finger on why.

She took a deep breath, letting her imagination run wild of how this was going to work. Everything about this man, his box, and the idea of a wide, beautiful universe was enthralling her, and for a moment, she forgot that she didn't belong here.
Reagan Asher
Reagan Asher

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Post by The Eighth Doctor Fri Dec 27, 2013 9:14 pm

The Eighth Doctor looked at Reagan with a smile. oh how brilliant he is. He looked around his console and he then looked back at her when she said she was ready. The Doctor flashed a toothy smile and he then pulled one last lever and the TARDIS started making its usual noise as it moved through time and space. He whirled around the console more, pushing more buttons and pulling more levers. This was the exciting part.

alright here we go!” The Doctor exclaimed to her waving for her to come over beside him. “I hope this works.” He said and shook his head. The Doctor pushed one last button and there was a shake in the TARDIS, like an earthquake tremble. He grabbed hold of the bottom of the console to prevent himself from falling over.

Then suddenly the TARDIS stopped. The Doctor fell into the console and he stood there and looked at Reagan. “shall we take a look?” he asked her with a small smirk.

OOC: Sorry this took so long! I got really busy.
The Eighth Doctor
The Eighth Doctor

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Post by Reagan Asher Mon Dec 30, 2013 6:01 pm

OOC: No worries! I've been away too, preoccupied with building my wholock site and what not.

Reagan felt the entire TARDIS shake around her as she then quickly grabbed onto the railing to prevent her from sliding all over the place. Gasping lightly to herself from the jerking around, she kept most of the excitement to herself as she looked around in wonder. Sure she had been in a TARDIS before with his future incarnation, but it was nothing like this. This was all too much fun for adventuring.

When he then smiled at her widely, she grinned back in anticipation. "Yeah, let's go look," she nodded enthusiastically as she went to head for the door, waiting for the Doctor to take the lead. She was all too excited about this. Something about this had suddenly gotten so thrilling and she wasn't as afraid anymore.
Reagan Asher
Reagan Asher

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