The Adventure of the Blue Box
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A Little Heartbreak With My Vodka // Madame Vastra

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A Little Heartbreak With My Vodka // Madame Vastra Empty A Little Heartbreak With My Vodka // Madame Vastra

Post by Guest Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:31 pm

It was a hot and stuffy bar really, and a few patrons were scattered about. It was an ironic kind of typical really, with a pool table to the side with a few leather clad humans taunting one another and placing bets loudly. A dartboard was to the side, and a drunk man was insisting to one of his friends that he could hit the center. Placing bets and laughing like only the most drunk can, his whole body swayed as he threw the dart. He stumbled and fell onto the pool table, knocking pool balls apart to make room for his fat frame. The humans that imagined themselves tough smirked and pulled him to his feet. Undoubtedly for a nice bit of violence that Winter would have usually joined right in on. Instead, however she contemplated how someone must pay for the miseries in life. A happy ending, a fairy tale... Winter scoffed, turning the glass in her hand and finishing the entire shot of vodka in one sip.

Winter had broken her fairy tale. No one would be her match it seemed. No one could be.

He had hurt her. Taunted her. Laughed at her. Made her out to be a fool, so she hadn't returned home. Hadn't seen him in the past couple of days. She had dropped off of the face of the planet to him. And she liked it that way. A few hours after she had slammed the door and didn't look back he started to call her phone. Relentlessly. He didn't seem to get that she was done with him, didn't seem to understand he had gone to far and she didn't wish to speak with him again. Winter didn't intend to go 'home' didn't intend to fix things. Didn't intend to answer the phone.

She was protecting herself by staying away from him.

But why did he have to make it so hard by taunting her with the phone calls? Winter ordered another drink from a woman in a short and demeaning dress. And she quickly returned with a whole tray that she simply laid on the table. She was cute, in a shy not really curved sort of way. Not Winter's type, of course. The security led the leather clad men outside with the fat man in tow. He was beaten to a bloody pulp really, but winter didn't care, instead her gaze fell to the dart board. Perhaps he had in fact managed to get the center. Maybe such hard things were worth it, perhaps it was worth the pain and the hurt he had gone through to achieve his goal. His goal was the center of the board, hers was The Master.

The dart was not in the center of the board. Not even in the board itself. It stood impaled on a space in the wall a few feet above the board. He wasn't even close. How symbolic Winter thought to herself sourly, taking another shot and drinking it in one sip. She was seated alone in one of the back booths of the bar.


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A Little Heartbreak With My Vodka // Madame Vastra Empty Re: A Little Heartbreak With My Vodka // Madame Vastra

Post by Guest Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:47 pm

The doors had been pushed open by a tall, thin woman who approached the bar quietly, seemingly able to draw attention without even trying, and yet, after only the smallest of glances the bar had returned to normal. Vastra was wearing a mourning dress, the same dress she had taken to wearing the day that Jenny died. She knew, deep down, that Jenny could yet return and yet... she found she no longer ached for the girl. She was merely... miserable.

Strax had attempted to stop her from leaving the house, showing his own special brand of concern by calling her a 'foolish lizard' but she had gone anyway, ignoring his calls for her to stop, to return, to 'be sensible'.

The bar-tender appeared to have reservations about serving her, which was more than fine with Vastra, she had no plans for tonight except to drink, and, she hoped, get herself as close to drunk as she could get... which she hoped was not far off.

Misery had her in it's grip enough that she spoke with a slight roughness to her tone, the same dark manner that Jenny had tried so hard to stamp out. Within weeks of Vastra losing Jenny she had reverted to a cold, heartless creature, at least, that was what she told herself. She had ordered, accepting the bottle of whisky from the girl with a smile of thanks, or as close to one as she got these days.

She had paused, looked around and spotted only one seemingly safe space, picking the bottle and glass up she had made her way to a booth in the back, settling there silently. She had not, in fact, noticed that there was someone else there, she had removed her hat and veil, only then spotting the humanoid creature sat drinking opposite. She had thought, at first, to leave... but on glancing around she noted that she was not going to be left alone anywhere else and now... well, now she had silent company.

She spoke, eventually, her voice oddly rusty, she had hardly spoken to anyone since Jenny, except of course Strax, who had seemingly noticed no difference.

"I do beg your pardon, I thought this booth was empty."

It was not a lie, but still, Vastra was unable to keep a low, dull anger from her tone.


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A Little Heartbreak With My Vodka // Madame Vastra Empty Re: A Little Heartbreak With My Vodka // Madame Vastra

Post by Guest Tue Dec 24, 2013 2:06 pm

Shadows played on Winter's white eyes and her hair seemed to turn a darker shade of white rather then the nearly bright one it usually was. Seeing the woman pass all of the other booths holding her drink, Winter sighed to herself, turning the glass in her hand. Just my bloody luck.. Winter thought sourly, tossing her head back with a flick and finishing the drink. Ordering more, Winter watched the young bartender retreat with the empty drinks to the bar once more and refill the drinks. She knew that this bar was nearly ready to draw the line on her, announcing she'd had to many drinks and she'd have to find a new one yet again that night. This was, of course. Her third.

Winter had drunken so much over the last ten thousand years that she had gained such a high alcohol tolerance she activaly had to try to get drunk. The only problem, was when she was drunk she rarely recalled anything of the whole day that she had decided to get drunk. She assumed it was worth it, otherwise she wouldn't have the urge to do it again. It wasn't suprising that Winter blended into the shadows, her cold expression didn't flinch or faulter when she saw the woman remove her veils and such to reveal herself to be a lizard. She knew the techinical term, of course, she was just to uninterested to recall such a detail at that precise moment.

"I know." Winter mumbled, taking off her hood and mouth coverings to reveal the razor sharp teeth of a FutureKind. They appeared nearly like fangs, replacing every single tooth with sharp triangle shaped fangs. They weren't meant for beauty, it was for ripping delicious humans apart. As a futurekind the only source of food was a good human hunt, and Winter had aquired such a taste for them in her time on Malcassairo. Maybe she wanted the other to know that she was inhuman as well and as such she didn't need to go through such good manners on her.. Maybe Winter just wanted to see if she could frighten the woman.. She didn't know, and didn't particularly care. Snatching a drink of of the bartender's tray as she passed by Winter set it in front of her. She preferred vodka to other types of alcohol, savoring the taste and effects... But, beer would have to do.

The woman in mourning had seen death, she knew that look in her eyes. Undoubtably a loved one. Death so rarely found itself to those that matter to none. And instead picked on those who were loved. Winter had a sword's sheath strapped along her left leg underneath the table, and she kept her gaze so very cold and distant. Winter had to put effort into having an expression, so she didn't bother with such trivial things to set others at ease. If the woman wished to say, Winter cared little, so long as she didn't nag her about her drinking and insult her.


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A Little Heartbreak With My Vodka // Madame Vastra Empty Re: A Little Heartbreak With My Vodka // Madame Vastra

Post by Guest Wed Dec 25, 2013 5:28 am

The reveal had no doubt been meant to shock her, but Vastra found it was hard to much care. Yes, the woman opposite had sharp fang-like teeth and seemed to be less than impressed to be sharing a booth, still, she would not say anything about that, Vastra had no need to show either fear or any sense of being impressed, the woman opposite clearly cared little what she thought, which was good enough.

The woman was also clearly out to forget, forget what was something that Vastra considered asking, then chose instead to stay silent, she had uncorked the whisky and poured, considering the other woman even as she set the bottle aside, taking a long drink.

Normally she chose something a little less abrasive, something like Sherry but tonight she needed all the abrasive drink she could take, Sherry had very little effect when it came to getting drunk and Vastra needed to be drunk. Of course, what she would do after was a question she had not yet considered.

She was silent for a while more before she spoke, keeoing her voice low but gently friendly, there was no need to start an argument after all.

"So, how exactly did you find yourself stuck in London?"

Her question was simple and, although she showed a little interest it was also clear that her usual niceties had gone right out the window. She would normally have stated things a little less blandly, but she had little reason to care.


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A Little Heartbreak With My Vodka // Madame Vastra Empty Re: A Little Heartbreak With My Vodka // Madame Vastra

Post by Guest Thu Dec 26, 2013 10:16 am

"Because they have the best bars." Winter smiled at her little joke, taking a drink of the beer. Wincing, she looked down at the alcohol. No, she didn't like the taste of that at all. Mumbling something to herself about how 'bloody aweful it was' she waited for her real drinks to arrive. It seemed that the bar was trying to ignore her demands for more alcohol, they seemed to believe that they knew better then Winter herself on how much she could drink and still remain able to stand.

"That, and my vortex manipulator has broken down and decided to go offline. Again." As it turned out, they were not meant to be used as often as Winter used them! And she'd left a long trail of broken down inventions that humans had come up with. Being made from humans, it of course rarely worked and often left her stranded. It was almost her trade mark at this point, pop up somewhere random because it was on the fritz again, and meet new people. Or, in this case, go from random bar to random bar. Usually, Winter would find it almost amusing and was intrigued by those she met on her travels. Now, however, Winter was not in the mood to be amused, and simply took out her frustrations on it.

Never works. Bloody thing tries to kill me. I should get rid of it. For good. Find some other way to travel. Winter thought maliciously, distracted from the lizard woman in front of her. Though she was upset now, she wouldn't get rid of it when she was back to her 'usual' self again. That was the problem, people mistakingly thought that Winter being herself was that person usually pushed into doing 'the right thing'. That wasn't her at all. She was going to do it anyway, it was simply by chance that it was 'the right thing'. She was rude, cold, and self centered. So she didn't understand why others would purposly seek her out!

Winter's phone rang in her pocket, and her thoughts boiled over with anger. It was nearly the hundreth time he'd called her. In the past few hours! Winter took out her phone from her pocket, turning it in her hand. The green, answer call now button shone brightly. Instead, she selected the ignore call button in red. She wondered why exactly it was red for a brief second. Red was supposed to be a 'evil' color, she wasn't taking his calls, did that make her evil? Winter supposed it wasn't what made her a bad person, she just was. There was no little culprit in her personality that made her into a bad person, nothing she could blame. Winter was just evil.

Her phone rang again as soon as she pressed the ignore call button. Turning, she threw it against a wall across the bar with such force that it should have shattered any other phone.

Winter wished she hadn't made it indestructable..

It rang in the distance, and no patrons of the bars were willing to even go near the phone, for fear of Winter's further wrath.

"What about yourself?"


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A Little Heartbreak With My Vodka // Madame Vastra Empty Re: A Little Heartbreak With My Vodka // Madame Vastra

Post by Guest Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:41 am

"Well, that much is true."

Vastra admitted, finding it hard to dislike the woman, although she still wasn't sure what to make of the woman's words.

"Perhaps you should wait a while then?"

The suggestion was mild and she found she was smiling all the same. She might still be miserable but she found the woman hard to ignore. Hell, she had always liked strange people, Strax was testimony for that. When the woman's cell had gone off she had found she was watching quietly.

Still, when the woman asked her about herself she found that she was struggling for an answer.

"Oh the usual."

She shrugged, speaking softly.

"Heartbreak and all the other stuff that comes along with it."


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A Little Heartbreak With My Vodka // Madame Vastra Empty Re: A Little Heartbreak With My Vodka // Madame Vastra

Post by Guest Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:30 pm

"Ah, heart break. That is something I can relate to." Winter nodded in the lizard woman's name. Perhaps she was silurian? Ah, yes that was it. The lizard people who had come to the planet Earth before the humans, but their astologers noticed what they thought to be incoming death in one way or another. As she heard it, it was actually the moon coming into orbit of the planet and they cowarded beneath the planet's surface, hibernating to survive the end of their planet.

Of course, Winter had also heard Amy talk about dinosaurs on a spaceship, supposedly a holder of the species of dinosaurs for the Silurians. What Winter found hilarious, was that the species saw a big hurtaling ball of rock coming there way, ready to play pool with their planet. They clearly had the ability to travel through space, as shown by the Ark.

Yet, they didn't leave the planet. Instead, taking their bets, nodding to one another and deciding that rather then pack their bags and take no chances, they'd sleep in an extra Tuesday and take their chances.

Seemed quite silly to her.

The only reason Winter knew something of that nature, was that where she was from she was known to be a scribe. Lost in hours of immortality, she locked herself in a room filled with all the last books of the universe. The stuff that had survived to the end of time, and Winter scribed down all that she could find. As a result, she had certain holes in her knowledge of history.

A futurekind woman herself, Winter was unknown to any that weren't her own species. She was from the end of time itself, and no one traveled that far back. Not even the Time Lords.

Her phone rang across the room and Winter face palmed.

Damn! That boy was persistant!


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