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An Unexpected Reunion //Winter Mills

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An Unexpected Reunion //Winter Mills Empty An Unexpected Reunion //Winter Mills

Post by Remington Scott Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:41 pm

Remington sat in his office. He rubbed his hands over his face. It has been awhile since he was left to be the leader of Torchwood 6. He got a visit from Torchwood 5. Jack wasn't to pleased when he found out that Winter left without saying anything to him about wanting to leave Torchwood 6.  Jack looked around to see what Remington has done since he last been there. Torchwood 6 layout was different, he liked where things were at. Winter had things place differently then the way it looked now. Captain Jack Harkness made it official. Remington Scott was the leader of Torchwood 6 until he died. Of course he wasn't playing on dying anytime soon. He looked down at the now completed files which had been signed. He picked them up and moved to the file cabinet. He opened the file cabinet and placed the filed in the necessary place. Then he closed and locked the cabinet.

Remington decided to take a break from work. He had decided to go for a walk in the park. When he left the building the weather was nice and cool. There were a few cloudy in the sky, but they were white. There was no indication that it was going to rain anytime soon. It was a good thing because he didn't want to have to go back to get an umbrella.

Remington got to the park and walked around for a little while. After a while he stopped at a bench and sat down.  He watched as couple past by.Some were hold hands, others had their arms around one another. He smiled just a bit. Then he stopped to think what was stopping him from starting a relationship with another young woman, with that he mind fell on Winter. Things did not end as well as he would like. He had to admit he had wanted her as his bride,but she wasn't ready to settle down. He understood that. Remington wasn't going to push her to get married. She needed to be free and if she was with him, she wouldn't be. So it was mutual of them splitting up.

He didn't have any hard feeling towards her.  He did remember the time they spent together. She had spar with him, she was a good sparring partner. Just her company was great and made him feel a little more comfortable. Then they broke up. It had been hard at first, but he got over it.

Remington wondered how she was doing. It has been a while since he had seen her. He really haven't talked to anyone about himself and Winter. Plus he used his free time to get Torchwood 6 up and running since she left. He had taken the rein. He closed his eyes and just listened for a moment. He then opened his eyes and just watched people go about their day.
Remington Scott
Remington Scott
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An Unexpected Reunion //Winter Mills Empty Re: An Unexpected Reunion //Winter Mills

Post by Guest Sun Mar 23, 2014 6:52 am

Winter had been waiting for The Master to meet her in the park. Now a days she lived with him, but every so often Winter would leave the tardis to go about adventuring on her own. Even now she needed space sometimes, she supposed that she had some problems with commitment. That was shown apparent when she had run from her own upcoming marriage. Really, the very idea of herself walking down an aisle, in front of witnesses, dressed in flowing white was something that made Winter cringe. She didn't really know the typical weddings of humans, where she was from, gifts were usually exchanged and that was that. But, dripping in white, in sparkly and shiny gems, with veils, and a waiting groom. That seemed like another world.

She supposed she had trouble with commitment. So, yeah, she often times went on her own adventures, leaving The Master behind. She enjoyed his company, of course, but sometimes she simply couldn't stand to be tied to something so firm. The idea of always being beside one person, taking them everywhere with her. It sounded perfectly splendid in theory, but in practice she felt fenced in. Caged and frustrated. So, she needed her space.

Perhaps she was supposed to feel guilty, but as she walked out the doorway all she could do was feel the open air and feel freed. Besides, she knew that he felt the exact same way as she did on the matter, and they met up once again at a specified time, in a specified place that Winter usually announced on the way out the door. Winter was laying in the field of grass, a tree above her head, it's stringing branches showering her with shade. Leaves rustled gently in the wind, and the ground was littered with sticks and discarded and fallen leaves. A path lead into a grove of trees farther down the field, and a sun shined lightly from behind the outstretched leaves. The shade felt cool against her cheeks, and she closed her eyes for the briefest of moments.

Winter woke up. The sun was high in the sky, it was now nearly three in the afternoon. Winter stretched, letting a sleepy groan pass her lips. Deciding that she didn't really want to get up Winter put her hands behind her head, peering up at the sky. One leg was bent, touching the ground with the whole of her foot. Winter watched the clouds pass before her eyes, drifting in front of the sun and cooling the air more. She must have been sleeping for quite a few hours, nearly three, in fact. She had been so sleepy since the morning. Didn't get any sleep at all that night. And it wasn't because of nightmares, which she had only found disappeared when she was beside Scotty Boy (now that they were divided, and she'd moved out, that was out of question). She hadn't found a cure since then, but she was a tough woman. A spook or two in the night didn't hold the same fear it held for small children. No, it wasn't because of the nightmares that she didn't sleep. Nor was it because she was busy! But, because the human beds were far to uncomfortable. And when she'd decided to sleep on the damn floor because it was more comfortable, Moron had tripped over her early in the morning.

Which was ridiculious, because a man shouldn't wander into a woman's room at three in the morning. For any reason.

She'd moved out immediatly after she and Scotty Boy had divided. It wasn't for her own benefit, she was more then happy to stay around and be a friend. It was for his. How could he move on if she was beside him? How could he find another, if Winter loomed? So, Winter had left, and she would never forget the last look he'd given her. Something that froze the old woman's heart. For a while she stayed in junkyards and construction sites again, until she had moved in with Moron. It was something like chaos there. But, he had a way to distract her from a broken heart.

And she'd been distracted until she no longer thought of Scotty Boy, she supposed that meant she had moved on. But still, she missed her old friend. Ooh.. how long has it been since we spoke? Months. Probably. That was back when I quit Torchwood 6.. Winter thought, her mouth twitching slightly into what resembled a small grin towards the sky. Her quitting leading Torchwood 6.. Now that was a story!


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An Unexpected Reunion //Winter Mills Empty Re: An Unexpected Reunion //Winter Mills

Post by Remington Scott Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:31 am

Remington sat on the bench. It was good to get out of the office only if it was for a little while. He knew once he goes back then everything he had to go was going to come crashing back to him. He didn't mind this at all. He looked around the park slowly. It was then a figure underneath a tree caught his attention. The form was familiar like he had seen the form before.

He did rack his brain to figure out who it was. A few second later he realized who it was. He  was glad that he was going to see how she had been since the break up. Of curse he wasn't upset when it did happen. He knew what he was getting into when he decided to have a relationship with her. It was great to know her, but he wasn't sure if she still wanted to be friends or at least talk to one another

Things in the department of love wasn't going for him. He was not going to push it. If there was someone out there for him, then they would have to come and find him. He wasn't going to go out and look for it anymore. What better time then now to go and say hello to Winter. Remington got up from the bench and walked over to her. He got about ten feet away from her before he said anything. He wasn't sure if he should say hello or just say her name. He then decided the best thing to do was just to say her name.
"Winter?" Remington asked.
He wasn't sure how he felt about her. He did care about her still. He was sure she had moved on from him. All he had to do was wait for Winter to answer him. If she decided to answer him. If she did it was great. If she didn't then he would head back to work.
Remington Scott
Remington Scott
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