The Adventure of the Blue Box
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Who Are You? // Amy

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Who Are You? // Amy Empty Who Are You? // Amy

Post by John Watson Sun May 19, 2013 7:56 pm

John quickly walked down the street, speed walking, not watching where he was going. He shoved his way past crowds, only stopping to press the crossing button. Only then he caught his breath. It had been two days.. no four days since Sherlock jumped, but John did not want to believe that Sherlock was really dead. He just could not believe his closest, only friend was really gone. John had been searching for days for just a glimpse of his friend, thinking that he somehow faked his death to get out of the spot light.

He stubbornly told the, what John called, his only other friends, Holly and Amy that he wanted to be sure. But that he also did not want to believe his friend was really gone. John even went to lengths of climbing out the window to the streets below, something that John has not done in years. His PTSD was slowly making a comeback, the military man could actually admit that he was scared, he was frightened.

Stopping at a corner he rested his hand on the side of a building, he looked back to see people following him, "Oh would they just.. goodness sake!" He quickly rounded the corner, and tried jumping a fence when it simply gave way, sending John backwards onto the pavement. Everything went black after a few seconds of pain rushing through his skull.
John Watson
John Watson
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Who Are You? // Amy Empty Re: Who Are You? // Amy

Post by Amy Pond Tue May 21, 2013 10:41 pm

How long had it been since Sherlock's death? Three days? Four? Amy had completely lost track of the times since. After his jump, time had melded all into one and Amy could no longer tell one day apart from the next. She had no energy to do anything so as a result she didn't even bother getting out of bed, refusing to get out of this safe place of hers. When was the last time she'd even had breakfast? She wasn't entirely sure but it didn't matter. She wasn't hungry anyway. She'd tried to eat but had given up when she realised that the food had absolutely no taste and she was probably just as well off without it. By the second day it didn't matter anyway - her body simply stopped sending off hunger signals and let her be. The past four days Amy had just stayed in bed, like a redhaired bear in hibernation. Sleep was tricky though. One day she slept the entire day away, the next she couldn't doze off for even five minutes. Not that she wanted to sleep - the constant nightmares were too much.

Today, however, her agent had shown up on her doorstep in the morning. Apparently Amy had some big photo-shoot that she under no circumstances was allowed to miss. Forcing coffee and donuts on her, he'd made sure she showered and gotten dressed before picking up the despondent female and carrying her to the car. Thank goodness the shoot hadn't required a smile or a show of energy since Amy couldn't muster up either. Finally, several hours later she was allowed to go home. Instead she decided to wander the streets for a bit. The house was much too big and silent for her liking.

Fiddling with the star necklace around her neck, the one that Sherlock had gotten her all that time ago, she spotted John. She was about to call out to him and say hello when he turned away. Probably didn't recognise her - she didn't at all look like herself today. When he tried jumping the fence but fell backwards, she sprinted up to him and took his head gently in her hands. "John, can you hear me? Are you ok?" she asked worriedly. At least he was breathing. That at least was something.
Amy Pond
Amy Pond

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