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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Mon May 20, 2013 7:13 am

He was there again. Out. During night. Alone. Well, unless you count three kittens as a proper company, which he obviously didn't.

No, the kittens were lovely, but his brother an ass. As it almost always happened Tony won that stupid word game and on top of all that beat him in Ally's "look-who's-here" show-off tirade. Appearantly his flowers didn't look all that flower-y as he'd always believed.

"Now it's your turn bro." Anthony had all too cheerfully announced before disappearing behind a bunch of birds, balloons and flowers.

"What? You think it's fair? They did it on purpose. I'm not a freaking cat-sitter here. It's Tony's job not mine." he nearly yelled at the kittens innocently playing with a paper balls. Well, that wasn't their fault anyways.
Nathaniel Wellington
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Natalia Barton Tue May 21, 2013 2:16 am

Natalia was out for a walk, it was what she needed. She had decided to visit London. It was a nice day out and she was walking on the streets of London. Her attention was caught when a guy yelled at a cat. It was a little weird, but he might need some help. She went over to where he was at. "Excuse me sir, is everything okay with you?" Natalia asked.
Natalia Barton
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Tue May 21, 2013 7:21 am

If he had been his brother then his face would had turned red. But he wasn't, so his face stayed normal color when all of a sudden there was a woman talking to him.

"Oh, it's just fine, miss. Cat-sitting my brother's kittens. Lost some games." Nate immediately put on his most innocent charming smile.

Meanwhile, one the kittens - black one with white speckle on its chest- meowed and trotted towards Natalia. The other two- one velvety gray, other standart tricolor- kept chasing paper balls like it was most important thing to do.
Nathaniel Wellington
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Natalia Barton Tue May 21, 2013 7:26 am

Natalia watched him. She then looked at the kittens. They were cute.
"Cat-sitting, that's really nice of you to do. Who lost the game? Did you or did the kittens?" Natalia asked him.

One of the kittens trotted over to her. She knelt down.
"Hey how you doing?"

She knew the kitten wasn't going to answer her back, but it was good to talk to them. Show them you are no threat to them.
Natalia Barton
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Wed May 22, 2013 12:39 am

Nate snorted "Unless you think whiskey is a better companion. And my lovely brother and our sort-of-a-sister won me in their tricky games. I so hate loosing. And this trio tried to eat my ears last night. Not fun at all." he explained with a frown. He usually tried to not sound like an old man who's lost his glasses. But on the other hand, maybe they weren't that bad. "And the worst is that they resemble my brother too much." Nathan added.

Meanwhile, the black kitten meowed back at Natalia. As if he tried to talk. It was one of those kittens that got curious and tried to socialize with humans more than his own race.
Nathaniel Wellington
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Natalia Barton Fri May 31, 2013 7:36 am

Natalia listened to what he way saying. He did look good. She had to say that a least. She really didn't mind how he talked. So he had a sister and brother. That was cool.

Natalia eyebrow rose as the black kitten meowed at her. She use her hand and patted him on the head.
"oh…I don't think whiskey are better company. It's nee talk to other people." Natalia said, as she looked at him.
Natalia Barton
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Fri May 31, 2013 8:09 am

Nate eyed Natalia with a curious eye. She was a pleasant sight and he knew there had been a reason to dress up a bit unlike his twin who had unhumanly tendency to go out at nights dressed only in his pj's at best.

Suddenly tri-color kitten ditched their game and unceremoniously jumped on Nathan's jeans. He sighed relieved that he had brains to wear black pair.
But the beast climbed up to his shoulder and decided for a nap on the man's shoulder. Thanking heaven for his mind being logical enough to wear dark blue hoodie instead of light one on top of his black tank top.

Meanwhile black kitten purred at the touch. Nate watched amused.

"Well, it's been my companion for ages, why not to keep tradition? " he said promptly, running his free hand through the disheveled curls. Kitten just purred and let its paw touch his big 'nanny's' cheek. "But you're right. Better is when it's not only whiskey." Nathaniel smiled.
Nathaniel Wellington
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Natalia Barton Fri May 31, 2013 11:23 am

"I think keeping tradition is good." Natalia said, as she watched him run his hands through his hair. The kittens were defiantly a nice conversation starter.
"So are they what brought you here today?"
Natalia Barton
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:16 am

"Yeah, it is." Nate agreed with his regular trademark con-artist grin, trying to shoo the kitten off his shoulder. But it looked like this one had been born in a tree during a tornado, judging by the steel grip it had on Nate's clothes. The dark haired man just chuckled at that, as if hiding the little slip of his nonchalant con behavior.

"Well, technically my twin brother, but kittens were his poor excuse to kick me out and make me stay out. " he replied with as much carelessness in his voice as he could. Feeling slightly embarrassed that he was talking to a mighty fine looking woman while having tricolor kitten pawing at his cheek in a way that reminded him of some deeply hidden moments of his life.
Nathaniel Wellington
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Natalia Barton Mon Jun 17, 2013 5:58 am

Natalia watched as he grinned at her. She did have to admit he did look handsome. Natalia felt the grip it had on her. She isn't mind it.She heard him chuckled at seeing the kitten with her. It made her smile. 
"Twin brother, that has to be interesting. How long did he kick you out for?" Natalia asked. She hope it wasn't to much longer.
Natalia Barton
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:03 pm

"Yeah, he's a charmer and poor idea of to do our thing..." Nate had bit his tongue to keep it from blurting out more than anyone had to know about them. Being an extraterrestrial usually meant glares, at best, from other people. "Anyway, he'a handful of a brother. Much like these springy paws." he said with a loopsided smile picking the tricolor off his shoulder, away from his cheek it kept pawing at.

"I was told to not come back until it's at least late afternoon the next day. He thinks I spend too much time home." he chuckled and tickled the kitten's stomach.
Nathaniel Wellington
Nathaniel Wellington
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Natalia Barton Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:36 am

Natalia could tell he was holding something back, but wasn't going to press it. It was nice to talk to someone outside the office. Natalia watched him interact with the kittens. She had to admit it was a cute scene.
"Do you have anywhere to stay until then?" Natalia asked. She wanted to make sure he was okay before their conversation ended.
Natalia Barton
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:02 am

Although he felt like bouncing up and down suddenly, sometimes most annoying twin-set feature, he maintained nonchalant expression and decided to play it cool.
But tricolor had other ideas when it shot back to the cozy place on Nate's shoulder. The extraterrestrial could only gasp and squeeze out the reply he was supposed to give, "No. Actually I don't. Had been thinking of just wandering streets and try for a bottle of something, rum or plain vodka. " he shrugged like it was nothing to wander streets like homeless and steal some alcohol. But he was used to nights spent drunk and alone, it rarely mattered that it wasn't healthy, not even for an extraterrestrial. But could he allow himself befriend strangers and dare telling them his secret, his true being? Albeit naive he hoped he could.
Nathaniel Wellington
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Natalia Barton Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:11 am

Natalia didn't like exactly what he was going to do, how was he going to do that and keep the kitten entertained. It wouldn't do for her. She didn't know how the brothers were so she couldn't really comment on what how they acted towards one another.
"Why don't you stay with me. I more then enough room for you to stay." Natalia offered him. She wasn't sure if he was going to take the offer or not.
Natalia Barton
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:11 am

Nate's eyes literally lit up like Christmas lights at the suggestion.
He didn't expect a complete stranger offering anything like that so it came as a surprise. A pleasant one at that.
It was after all better plan than going rounds drunken out of mind and loose kittens. Well, the things might not cry for loosing their cat-sitter, they had a knack for finding Ants' food from all over the city, that wasn't what bothered the extraterrestrial the most.
He was more worried about his extraterrestrial alcohol tolerance level and immortality rates in case he intoxicated lethal amounts.

"I guess we could hang out at yours. Not like anyone's expecting us back home. Besides I'm not sure it'd be that good idea to overindulge while wandering bridge alone." he admitted. And he wasn't overly suicidal either.
Nathaniel Wellington
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Natalia Barton Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:03 am

Natalia could tell she had made a good choice with the invitation. She would be more comfortable making sure he was okay, as well as the kittens. She had milk for the kittens. She would fill a bowl of milk and let the kitten drink from the bowl. She had a few extra bedrooms, so he could stay in one of those rooms.
"That would be a good idea. You never know what the weather is going to be like." Natalia said, as she looked at him
Natalia Barton
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:35 am

"True, weather can be pretty shifting thing. Unfortunately to all who cares about me I'm known as a Raining Man to my regular folks. They say I'm lucky to not get sick or die." he tried as a joke but suddenly unsure. Nate wasn't often this honest to just met people. And nearly admitting his tendency of life-threatening or irrational health dangers was too close to his regular appearance. Well, maybe he was starting to be like Tony, his twin was awfully honest, if not completely blunt often times.
So he was getting rusty.... Tri-color kitten meowed and jumped at the extraterrestrial, pawing at his cheek gently. Almost as if trying to tell the man getting all depressive wasn't a good thing while meeting new people.
"Okay, kitty, enough with the Tony style. I'm not going to play like he does. So you can go and complain, it's his fault I'm here with you, cat." Nathaniel said to the little animal while the other two tried to decipher the meaning of some paper scrap on the ground.
Nathaniel Wellington
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Natalia Barton Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:04 pm

Natalia could tell Nathaniel was okay with the suggestion she had made. She really didn't offer to have a complete stranger spend the night at her house. For some reason she felt a connection to the young man who was in front of her.
"I would agree it would be good to stay at my place. You never know how people might act when they see you." Natalia said, as she watched the kittens. It was fun to see them playing. They were so carefree, it was nice to see.

Natalia Barton
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:28 am

"Well, guess you're right. Besides these things..." he waved at the kittens, "...are liking you already and this one..." Nate held the tri-color up, " too much rubbed off on my twin brother and obviously tries to convince me not to be my usual self." he finished with a glare at the kitten in his arms which looked rather pleased with itself, if not even a bit too smug.
Well, he was not generally close to animals like Tony was, but maybe it was more truth in what they said about twins.
Nathaniel Wellington
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Natalia Barton Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:16 am

Natalia looked over at him, she had to admit he was quite handsome. Who knew what could happen. This was her taking a chance on someone else. Which really didn't happen very often.
"Yes that would be a good idea" Natalia started. She looked over at the kittens. "Let me know when you are reedy to head out….. back to my place I mean."
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:02 pm

Nate gave Natalia his masterpiece bright smile and said, "I'm always ready." he let some mischievous note slip in his already flirty tone. And the tri-color used that to once again paw at the alien's cheek as if trying to scold the man for endless flirting and all that jazz that he always performed when it was more than the four of them.
The other two were finished inspecting the dirty ground and turned to Natalia's footwear and sniffed the air around her as if trying to decide whether she was trust worthy or not.
Nathan nearly laughed at the animals so tiny but already looking after their bigger family members
Nathaniel Wellington
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Natalia Barton Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:57 pm

"Good." Natalia said, as she watched to kitten try to figure out wither or not to trust her. She bent down and patted them on the heads. She looked up at Nathaniel. "So how are we going to get these little guys to my place?"

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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:23 am

"Oh, we have some techniques." Nate chuckled. Tri-color was on his shoulder, done with 'slapping' his alien and content with curling around Nate's neck. "Yo, monsters, time to travel. Snacks are on spot and your spaceship ready." he kneeled at the duo.
They seemed to be done with their testing series and with a collective "meow" climbed into offered pockets, large enough to hold one tiny kitten each- like kangaroo babies, they even could put their little noses out of the pockets to sneak a peak at passing world.
"So, we're ready." and a blinding megawatt smile to confirm.
Nathaniel Wellington
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Natalia Barton Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:02 pm

Natalia watched as he got to kittens all ready to go. She didn't realized he already had a way to carry them. It was a good thing, it made things a lot simpler.
"Okay, it's not to far of a walk to get to my place." Natalia said, as she stood up and gave him a smile. She had a feeling they were going to get along fine.

Natalia didn't mind if he was a little eccentric, it was all good for her. Who know maybe they would be friends or more then friends on;y time would tell.
Natalia Barton
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Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia Empty Re: Nightly Cat-sitting // Natalia

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Thu Sep 19, 2013 1:01 am

"That's great. I'm not sure how long they will enjoy pockets. Some of previous kitten group liked pockets too much." Nate beamed his bright smile as he stretched his legs out and patted at the kitten-ful pockets, receiving approving sounds and another "meow" from the slightly older kitten around his neck. "Lead the way princess of the night." he winked at Natalia.
Nathaniel Wellington
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