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Don't Tell Me How To Do My Job // Anderson

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Don't Tell Me How To Do My Job // Anderson Empty Don't Tell Me How To Do My Job // Anderson

Post by Svetlana Orlova Mon May 20, 2013 1:27 pm

It had been a while since Svetlana had gotten called out to a crime-scene. How long had it been? Sveta mused as Warrick drove them to the specified address. A good couple of weeks at least. Must be a new record... The pair had been called by Scotland Yard, who after arriving at the crime-scene had discovered that one of the victims was still alive. Only barely, but enough for them to call for help.

The old house was already taped off with crime-scene tape by the time the pair got there. Sveta grabbed her kit and dashed out, not even bothering to flash her ID to the officers. The body had been discovered in the lounge and it was the work of less than a minute to find it. Just look for the room with most people in it.

"Back, back, back," she ordered to the policeman who was applying a tourniquet to the wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding. It took her all of a second to appraise the patient. Severe blood-loss due to a gunshot wound to the abdomen. Not good. Very not good. She knelt down beside him, withdrawing a packet of QuickClot and ripping it open. Pouring it onto the wound, she took out a bandage pad and placed it on the wound, applying pressure as she did so. "How long has he been here, do you know?" she asked, turning her head to look at a dark-haired male in forensics garb.
Svetlana Orlova
Svetlana Orlova
Police Constable
Police Constable

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Don't Tell Me How To Do My Job // Anderson Empty Re: Don't Tell Me How To Do My Job // Anderson

Post by Guest Mon May 20, 2013 4:20 pm

"How should I know? I am just here to looks at the crime scene, if you want to know, ask the guy yourself, and get the lad out as fast as possible, I don't want my crime scene contaminated." Anderson said with a tone that showed that he was slightly annoyed, he was having a good day, that was until he was told there was another crime scene for him to investigate, at the same time, Anderson was praying that Lestrade would not call in the Freak for this case.

Anderson then walked near the woman whom asked him the question, he went to the couch and started to examine it. After a moment he turned his head around and said "Keep the guy alive, my boss will want to talk to him latter, and it will lessen the chances that my boss will have to call in the Freak." Anderson then went back to examining the couch.


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Don't Tell Me How To Do My Job // Anderson Empty Re: Don't Tell Me How To Do My Job // Anderson

Post by Svetlana Orlova Thu May 30, 2013 5:24 pm

At the man's snappy reply, Svetlana almost rolled her eyes, suddenly remembering exactly why she didn't like working with the majority of Scotland Yard. Snooty pompous ass, she thought, continuing to tend to the patient who it seemed was doing his best not to let himself be stabilised. "A simple 'I don't know' would have sufficed," she shot back. "Or do they not teach you manners at Scotland Yard now?"

At his next words she really did roll her eyes. "No, I'm going to try my best for him to die while in my care," she retorted, sarcasm dripping from her words. "Because that's just the kind of paramedic that I am." She swore internally as she noted that the chances of the victim surviving were getting slimmer by the second. She felt for a pulse - it was weakening. Fuck. "Warrick, I need your help - we're losing him!" she bellowed down the hall to her partner. She doubted that it would help. The pessimist side of her gleefully reminded her that the victim had been a lost cause from the get-go. Wouldn't stop her trying though.
Svetlana Orlova
Svetlana Orlova
Police Constable
Police Constable

Posts : 169
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Reputation : 1

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Don't Tell Me How To Do My Job // Anderson Empty Re: Don't Tell Me How To Do My Job // Anderson

Post by Guest Fri May 31, 2013 12:59 pm

"Looks like you are doing a bloody good job at that then." Anderson snapped back, he then noticed they were actually losing the guy, causing Anderson to regret what he just said. Anderson was also knew that the chances of Lestrade not needing to call in the freak had also drastically decreased.

Anderson looked at the paramedic trying to save the man, and he then said "Well do you freaking job!" This is not good, if by some remote chance the guy lives, Anderson would congratulate the paramedic on a job well done, if not he would insult her for failing in her bloody job, because she just failed to make his job easier, and less stressful.


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