The Adventure of the Blue Box
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Quick Get Away // Idris

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Quick Get Away // Idris Empty Quick Get Away // Idris

Post by The Nomad Sat May 25, 2013 7:46 pm

The Nomad head slammed his head into the pillow below him as the mob boss slammed the door behind him. As always, Leo was handcuffed to his bed, with nothing but the blankets over him. As for anything else, they were at the other side of the room beyond his reach. Sighing Leo stared at the ceiling above him, wishing that for one day, maybe longer that he could be free of this life style. At the same time he was wondering how a Time Lord would wind up in this situation, but then he was not really sure if he was a Time Lord, yeah he went through the initiation but he never had the chance to finish thanks to the War that broke out.

Looking over to the window he wished that he had something, or something would happen that would possibly involve getting the blasted handcuffs off his wrist, the metal was terrible, leaving marks on his wrist that would not go away because if the master wanted him in one place he would have the teenage Time Lord handcuffed. Knowing that the chances of something happening was slim to none. Now he was wishing that he never took the man's offer to help get Leo off the streets, he now wished that he chose to stay on the streets, because then he would not be finding himself practically living a slave.. captives life style.

Exhaling out of his nose quietly he played a losing game of a staring contest with the ceiling, he was just about to drift off to sleep when there were loud foot steps going down the hallway that jolted him out of his sleep. He laid there for another minute or two, possibly five before once again he tried to go to sleep. Then once again there was another noise, but this time coming from inside the room he is in. Afraid and wide awake, Leo looked around his small room for the source.
The Nomad
The Nomad

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Quick Get Away // Idris Empty Re: Quick Get Away // Idris

Post by Idris Sat May 25, 2013 8:30 pm

Idris was piloting the TARDIS. Again. How strange it was to be flying herself. The Doctor was...oh who even knew where the Doctor was? Dashing about and having some grand old adventure on some planet, like he usually was. That man just couldn't escape drama and adventures. But Idris hadn't had any intention of joining him that day and so she'd left him to it. She wanted an adventure all of her very own. So the minute the Doctor was out of those front doors and a significant distance away, she called out that she'd be back later, locked her doors and rushed up to the console.

Whirling around her darling console, grinning like a hyper child who'd been given too much candy, Victorian skirts spinning, Idris pulled a lever. A giggle escaped her lips and she pressed a button. She didn't even bother rechecking the coordinates she'd put in - she wanted somewhere totally random and exciting. No excitement in knowing beforehand where you were going! The Doctor's strays might have enjoyed that, but not her. She was like the Doctor in many aspects - pick a random location, fly there, have an adventure. Much more fun than knowing.

With that sound that she knew and loved so much by this point, the TARDIS dematerialised. Grinning excitedly, Idris rushed to the doors and peeked outside. She was in a small room. Well, if you could even call it a room. Cell seemed a more appropriate word in her opinion. Her brown eyes widened slightly as she spotted a teen boy cuffed to his bed. "Not the most fun of ways to pass the time, I'd imagine," she commented, stepping out of the TARDIS and walking up to him. "I think this is the part where I ask what happened...?"
Chief Inspector
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Quick Get Away // Idris Empty Re: Quick Get Away // Idris

Post by The Nomad Sat May 25, 2013 8:55 pm

Nomad was not sure what emotions he was experiencing as he watched a woman dressed in Victorian Era clothing step out of some sort of ship.. or what ever it was. He was not even sure if he was fully awake or if he was asleep and dreaming this all up. Then a wave of panic washed over him, more because if his master walked in and saw this, he would probably think that Leo was trying to stage an escape attempt again. He looked to his restraints, tugging at them in a hope that they would magically release him, even though that was scientifically impossible.

"Not the most fun of ways to pass the time, I'd imagine," He watched as the woman approached him, he looked up at her, knowing now that he was not dreaming up any of this "I think this is the part where I ask what happened...?"

Leo shook his head, "Not when I have not done anything to deserve this." He took a deep breath, for some reason her voice sounded soothing.. like something that naturally calms a panicking person down. Maybe it was something to do with the female voice? Leo was not very sure, "It's a very long story.. but if you want the short.. ish story. I'm, well I think I am, a Galifreynian that was left here by my parents shortly before a war broke out. Some bloke found me and sold me to this Mafia leader.. who treats me as though I am a tool, prisoner, and a slave. Every night or when he feels like it, I am handcuffed to furniture until he needs me again." He forced himself to take a deep breath, feeling rather pathetic now, "My.. master knows of what I am.."
The Nomad
The Nomad

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Quick Get Away // Idris Empty Re: Quick Get Away // Idris

Post by Idris Sat May 25, 2013 11:09 pm

There was something different about this boy, something that wasn't anything like the other humans she'd met. Before she'd even spoken to him she'd realised he wasn't human. But what was it? The answer nagged at her at the back of her mind, but she couldn't put her finger on it. He felt...odd. Time Lord odd. The same sort of feeling she always got around the Doctor or River Song. Surely he wasn't though.

"Not when I have not done anything to deserve this." She gave the lad a grin before withdrawing a pin from her hair. "Well then, let's fix that, shall we?" Kneeling down by the bed, she began to pick at the lock. Not that she'd had much practice, but you didn't live seven hundred odd years without picking up a few tricks on how to pick locks. She knew how to do it, even if she'd done it once or twice earlier.

"I'm, well I think I am, a Galifreynian that was left here by my parents shortly before a war broke out." His words made Idris stop and look the young male in the eye. So that was what she'd sensed! A Time Lord! No wonder he'd felt so familiar! Wow, well this was...interesting. All those years of not getting to meet a single Time Lord and now bam - they were all crawling out the woodwork. First the Time Tot and now this poor dear. Time Tot Number 2. Oh but that might get a bit confusing; she'd need to find him another name.

Getting up onto the bed, she straddled him and started working on his other wrist. "The Time War. My best friend and I had a part in ending it," she told him, sadness tingeing her words. Yes, she and the Doctor had had a very big part in ending it. She was silent for a moment as she worked at the metal, trying to force out all thoughts and guilt from her mind about those horrid events. Finally she straightened up and smiled proudly. "There we are, free as a star." Clambering off him, she stood up and straightened her skirts. "And now I think it is time for a hasty getaway before your master decides he needs you again, don't'cha think?"
Chief Inspector
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Quick Get Away // Idris Empty Re: Quick Get Away // Idris

Post by The Nomad Sun May 26, 2013 6:46 pm

The Nomad never came across another Time Lord before, he was not even entirely sure if they still existed. But for some reason, Idris was bringing back memories that he thought he had forgotten years ago. He watched as the Time Lady kneeled down as she got to work at getting him freed from the handcuff that was keeping him attached to the bed. Getting a little teary eyed he looked away from the older woman, no one inside or outside of the mafia offered to help him get away, and now here was a woman who was helping him.

He closed his eyes as he slowly took a breath in before looking to her to see here looking right at him on the eyes, a little wide eyed. He slowly swallowed, as he watched her straddle him. He felt uncomfortable, he was not sure if he was clearly showing that he was uncomfortable. Looking up at Idris curiously he wondered just what she was now thinking, his own thoughts were erased as his wrist was finally free of it's restraints.

Sitting up after Idris got off of him, Nomad quietly rubbed at his sore, skin broken wrists, he chose not to speak up about the war, mostly because he knows nothing about it and Idris appeared to be saddened by thoughts about it. He looked down, away from the woman's gaze as he wondered just how to change the subject. He smiled lightly and looked up to Idris, "Thank you.." He choked a little before looking up to Idris as the woman spoke up again.

"And now I think it is time for a hasty getaway before your master decides he needs you again, don't'cha think?"

Nomad nodded before quickly getting his boots out from under the bed, simply slipping them on he lazily tied them before reaching for his coat, slipping it on as he came to a quick stand. Feeling a little light headed he reached for the bed post to keep him from falling back down, "Yeah let's get out of here.." He wondered just when was the last time he ate.. which was earlier that night, but it was so little.
The Nomad
The Nomad

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Quick Get Away // Idris Empty Re: Quick Get Away // Idris

Post by Idris Tue May 28, 2013 7:29 pm

Working silently at the metal bonds on the boy's wrist, Idris looked up for a moment. Her brown eyes widened as she saw him getting all teary-eyed. Well, this was a first. "Hey now," she whispered softly, bringing her fingers up to gently wipe the tears from his eyes. "It's ok now. You're safe," she reassured him. "No one's going to hurt you now..." Her heart gave an ache for this poor boy and she wondered whether this was how the Doctor felt every time he came across a human that he saw who couldn't do anything to help themselves.

When he thanked her, she just smiled, reaching up to affectionately touch his cheek for a second. "You're welcome. No one deserves to be chained up and treated like that," she commented. Least of all a young Time Lord. Or any Time Lord, for that matter. "Now let's go." She crossed the tiny room (nope, not a room; definitely a cell, she thought to herself) over to the blue police box, turning back to look at the male.

Idris frowned when he reached out to his bedpost, obviously to steady himself. When was the last time the poor thing had eaten? she wondered. He seemed so weak and dizzy. Of course, looks were often utterly misleading, but Idris decided that a good meal and a drink couldn't hurt the poor boy. Who, she realised, still didn't have a name. She'd have to ask. Just as soon as they were safely inside. Then they could do all the introductions they wanted.

"C'mon," she said, with a nod in the direction of her blue box. With a click of her fingers, the doors opened wide and she sauntered in. She grinned to herself as she looked around the interior. "So, where would you like to go for lunch? Paris? Moscow? Berlin? Or there's this charming little restaurant down in New Zealand that I've been wanting to try out. By all accounts, it's really very good," she rambled, turning back to face him, a grin on her pretty features.
Chief Inspector
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Quick Get Away // Idris Empty Re: Quick Get Away // Idris

Post by The Nomad Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:36 pm

The Nomad reached for his forehead, partially because he felt dizzy and he wondered if all this was really happening right now. The teenager guessed that since he was able to feel his hand on his head that this was really happening. The same emotions were threatening to make him shed more tears but he did not want to appear weak to the older woman, she appeared to be old enough to be his mother. Once he was in full belief that this was real and that this woman really was helping him, Leo looked up to her.

He watched as Idris snapped her fingers and as if on command, the doors to the ship swung open. At first he was scared, and concerned. The Nomad slowly followed her over to the outside of it as the woman walked inside, how could it possibly fit the both of them inside? It looks too small! His eyes widened as Nomad saw just how big it was on the inside. He stood there for a minute or two until he finally stepped inside, looking around.

Leo almost forgot about his hunger until he made a mad grab for the hand rail as dizziness attacked him once again. At the same time Idris spoke up again, stating what sounded like wonderful places to go to explore.. but she was probably planning on getting him fed first. The young man really did not know about any of the countries that she mentioned, or the foods from them. He shook his head, as Leo quietly spoke up, "I know nothing about those countries.. or the food there."

Letting go of the railing he moved to be closer to the older woman, she seemed to be extremely nice so far. But Leo was not sure if he could trust her just yet. As much as he wanted to, Leo did not want to trust her just yet. All he needed was time to get to know her first, then hopefully he will trust her.
The Nomad
The Nomad

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Quick Get Away // Idris Empty Re: Quick Get Away // Idris

Post by Idris Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:34 pm

Waltzing on up ahead, Idris's mind was quickly filling up with wonderful places that they could go for a meal. As quickly as they came, the places were all dismissed until she came to a final decision as to where they were going to go. Figuring that alien cuisine on the boy's first time travelling was not the best way to go, the brunette decided that she would take him to a charming little place called the "Chocolate Fish Cafe" in Wellington, the capital of a tiny country famous for rugby, kiwifruit and sheep, near Antarctica. Idris was sure that the place was famous for more than just that, but that was all she knew about New Zealand so far. That and the fact the waterfront views at said cafe were stunning. The Doctor had taken River there one time and she'd seemed to enjoy it immensely.

Whirling around, she watched in amusement the boy's amazement at the fact that the blue box was bigger on the inside. The woman grinned. Maybe that was why the Doctor loved his strays so much - they were so easy to amaze! Plus watching their amazement over how much bigger the ship was on the inside never got old, no matter how many people had made the TARDIS their second home while adventuring with her Thief.

The grin faded fast as the Time Tot swayed, obviously dizzy from lack of food, water or sleep. Or maybe even all three. Idris dashed over to grab him but he'd already grabbed the railing and the woman took a step back, tilting her head to the side as she silently studied the boy for a moment. Poor dear - he probably hadn't been fed properly in days. Chained up like an animal and treated like one to boot; Idris's heart gave an ache at the unfairness of such cruelty against a living being. "Child, when was the last time you ate?" she queried, the worry in her voice all-too-evident.

Wrapping an arm around his shoulders, Idris guided him to a seat near the console where he could rest while she got him to their lunch destination. Gently sitting him down, Idris crouched down, looking at him for a long moment. "You're safe now. No one's going to hurt you," she told him again, her voice soft and genuine. That much was true: she wouldn't let anyone hurt him again. "Now, what's your name, Time Tot?"
Chief Inspector
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