The Adventure of the Blue Box
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The Concors // Anyone

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The Concors // Anyone Empty The Concors // Anyone

Post by Guest Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:09 pm

"Whoa, dude!" a drunken guy said on the bar, feeling really wasted. "Man, we gotta do this more often dude!"

"But we do this everyday!" the drunken guy's friend corrected him.

"Exactly! We do this every day like bros do!" the drunken guy said.

"Are you alright, man? You gotta slow down on that stuff! You may get abducted by aliens and not even know it!" his friend said.

"Man, shut up!" the drunk said, jumping out of his stool, getting a last sip of his drink. "Y-you don't know nothing! You don't know nothing, man!"

"Whatever you say, man." the friend said.

"Yeah, I-I'm going to go smash this bottle o-on the wall in the alleyway, alright? Alright? Watch me!" the drunk started walking outside, weirdly though, and he stepped over to the alleyway where he was about to smash the wine bottle in the wall, but he didn't realize he was being watched. He goes over, and takes a swing of his bottle but misses the wall, that's how drunk he is!

"Animal contrary." a robotic voice said in the background.

"Wh-what? Animals? This ain't a zoo, mate!" the drunk cried out, not knowing who he was talking to. There was no response after so he continued attempting to smash the bottle, but he's still failing.

"Animal contrary." the robotic voice said again.

"Hey this a prank? You kids stay off my lawn!" the drunk yelled out.

Just then, a humanoid robotic figure shows up, and says; "Individual, you are charged with status Animal Contrary. Scanning category." The robotic alien starts scanning the drunk.

"Wow, Ben is right! I am drunk!" the guy said.

The robotic alien finishes the scan and says; "Name: David Price. Species: Human. Status: Farm Animal Contrary. You will now be sent to one our farms for raising, reproducting, and slaughtering!"

"What am I a cow?" the drunk asked.

"Identified question. Answer: No. You are human, and being charged with status Farm Animal Contrary. Starting portable teleport sequence." the robotic alien said as it's eyes started glowing and it starts charging a beam at David, and he gets teleported away from the scene. "Teleport sequence complete. Continuing hunt for Animal Contrary. We are the concors, superior species in all the universe! All other species are considered with status: Animal Contrary!"

//The scene ends there, like a proper intro to any Doctor Who episode. Next, I believe the Doctor shows up with any companion he chooses. The Concors are this new alien race I made up. I'll explain as the RP goes on; or do I have to make a separate post to describe them before using them?


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The Concors // Anyone Empty Re: The Concors // Anyone

Post by The Tenth Doctor Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:49 pm

The TARDIS appeared bright and early in the London streets, The Doctor taking a step out. By the looks of it, the year was 2008, he liked hanging around that time. The weather was moderate, not to cold, not to warm. He took a big wiff of the air. "Ah...modern day London!" He said.

'Well, it was as modern as it could be, for 2008, considering in the future years, the humans would consider years like 2963 modern.' He thought to himself.

He walked down the streets, after having locked the TARDIS doors. He had tucked the phone box away safely in an alley, so that it wouldn't be discovered by anyone...not right in the head.
The Tenth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor

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The Concors // Anyone Empty Re: The Concors // Anyone

Post by Guest Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:54 pm

"FREEZE!" Mickey yelled as he popped out and aimed his laser gun at the Doctor. Mickey didn't know it was the Doctor, and he probably would have an uncomfortable reaction since he didn't like being pointed at with a gun. "Doctor?" he asked shockingly, still pointing the gun at him.


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The Concors // Anyone Empty Re: The Concors // Anyone

Post by The Tenth Doctor Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:02 pm

"OI!!! I DIDN'T DO IT!!!" The Time Lord shouted, quickly raising his hands to the air. He figured that of the one telling him to freeze was an enemy, they could lead him back to their secret evil head-quarters by pretending to surrender. That tactic has worked almost all the time on some ofhis foes. He turned around slowly, and was surprised by what he saw. "Oi....Mickey? That you?" He asked.

He hadn't seen Mickey in a long time....he looked exactly the same! Except his hair was a bit shorter....and he was growing a bit of a beard. "MICKEY!!!!" He shouted, as he ran to him, arms wide. He gave him a quick hug. "Look a' you! You haven't changed a bit!" He quickly gave him an up-an-down look. " look a bit more like a marine...but nevermind that!!!!"
The Tenth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor

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The Concors // Anyone Empty Re: The Concors // Anyone

Post by Guest Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:07 pm

Mickey chuckles at the Doctor's comment. "Good to see you too, Doctor! Sorry for nearly killing you, I've just been on edge. There's these strange aliens attacking London. I don't know what they are. They sounded like Dalek, but they looked more.... human formed." he said, lowering his weapon.


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The Concors // Anyone Empty Re: The Concors // Anyone

Post by Guest Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:33 am

Winter chuckled from behind Mickey Smith, her arms were crossed and she was leaning against a wall with a smirk.

"I find that it is quite easy to maintain a 'humanoid' form, and as for speaking like a dalek." Winter grinned wildly "All you have to do is repeat 'exterminate' over and over." Winter pointed out humorously.

Winter slipped a hand over her wrist, taking off her famously unreliable means of travel. Her vortex manipulator powered itself down, as it usually did in the worst of times. Well, this isn't ancient greece. Winter decided glancing around.


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The Concors // Anyone Empty Re: The Concors // Anyone

Post by The Tenth Doctor Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:54 am

He looked over and smirked a tiny bit when he saw Winter.

"Ah! Good to see you again!" He said. He then stepped in between the two. "Winter, this is Mickey." He gestured toward his old friend. "Mickey, this is Winter." He gestured toward his elusive new friend.

"So, Winter, that old Vortex Manipulator bring you here?" He asked, eying the contraption on her wrist.
The Tenth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor

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The Concors // Anyone Empty Re: The Concors // Anyone

Post by Guest Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:33 am

"Nice to meet you, Winter!" I said happily, then I looked at the Doctor and said; "So, you know anything about what these things are?"


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The Concors // Anyone Empty Re: The Concors // Anyone

Post by Guest Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:37 am

"My vortex manipulator works well enough." Winter defended, sticking out her tongue playfully. Noncelantly, she passed her other hand over the manipulator and took it off her wrist. Tucking it into her pocket, Winter straightened her mouth coverings. Making it quite clear she wouldn't accept any help he had to offer.

"Yes, well. Interesting to meet you as well, little one." Winter passed a glance at Mickey. It wasn't that she didn't like him, it was just that he hadn't done anything that captured her attention or respect as of yet.


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The Concors // Anyone Empty Re: The Concors // Anyone

Post by Guest Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:06 pm

//Sorry I've been away for so long. I'm still waiting for 10th Doctor to respond to this.


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The Concors // Anyone Empty Re: The Concors // Anyone

Post by The Tenth Doctor Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:39 am

His eyes widened when Mickey described the beings that were causing trouble. "Ooh....yeah, I knew who they are....they're called The Concors..." He looked over at his two companions. "They're a race of slug people that survive in these robot suits.....they think they're the only civilized race in the universe....all others are like animals to them.....depending on the species, they either lock you up in a zoo, or they send you to a slaughterhouse....."
The Tenth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor

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The Concors // Anyone Empty Re: The Concors // Anyone

Post by Guest Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:48 am

"Aliens that think they're the only civilized race? Sounds alot like daleks to me, Doctor." Mickey assumed, but it was probably not the case. Even though the Concors are a neighboring race to the Daleks, they think of them as animals too.


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The Concors // Anyone Empty Re: The Concors // Anyone

Post by Guest Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:58 am

"Do watch your back, then Oncoming Storm. I can imagine that they have not got a 'Time Lord' in their collection." Winter pointed out, they were different from Daleks. Dalek's purpose was to destroy the universe, because they thought it was their fate. The Concors believed that they could keep animals, and people in their zoos. After all, that was how the humans treated animals. It was only fitting that they were treated as such themselves.

What's the order here? Is it Tenth Doctor, Mickey, then me? Because it gets confusing if we don't take turns.


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