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Paging Mr Williams // Rory

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Paging Mr Williams // Rory Empty Paging Mr Williams // Rory

Post by Svetlana Orlova Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:46 pm

An exhausted sigh escaping Svetlana's lips, the brunette stepped into her apartment, dropping her backpack at her feet. Exhausted didn't even begin to cover how she felt. Absolutely drained was more like it. Right now Sveta felt like she could sleep for a good week and it still wouldn't be enough. Lately the whole team of paramedics were working over-time as the emergency rate continued to rise at a rather alarming rate.

Kicking off her work boots and tossing them out onto the balcony so they wouldn't stink up the entire flat, Sveta wandered over to the fridge and withdrew a bottle of pomegranate juice. Unscrewing the top, she took a long swig of the ruby liquid before wiping off her juice whiskers with the back of her hand and screwing the top back on. Rubbing a hand over her tired eyes, she dropped the bottle onto the benchtop and began peeling off her uniform layers as she walked over to her bedroom. Rooting around in her drawers, she withdrew a black silk singlet and matching shorts.

A shower and then bed was what she needed. Padding over to the bathroom, she turned the shower on, watching as the hot water steam up the bathroom mirror. Seconds later her bra and underwear made friends with the floor, but just as she was about to step into the shower, she got a new idea as to how the evening could be spent, and 'alone' wasn't in the plans.

Wandering out back to where her uniform lay, she dug in the pockets until she found her phone. She smiled to herself as she dialled a very familiar pager number. Normally she would have called, but she didn't actually know Rory's timetable for the week so if he wasn't working and was fast asleep, she didn't want to wake him. "Hey Rory, Sveta here. If your shift finishes soon, come round. I have pizza and chocolate, plus my amazing cuddles. The door'll be open. Hope to see you soon darl'!" Having left the message, she put the phone onto the sink countertop and stepped into the shower.

A gasp of utter content left her lips as she let the hot water caress her skin and was away all of her fatigue. As good as the showers were at HQ, they were nothing compared to her one. She closed her eyes, just standing there as she let the water warm her up. Seeing Rory would be lovely, she mused. It's been absolutely forever since I've seen and cuddled him...
Svetlana Orlova
Svetlana Orlova
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Paging Mr Williams // Rory Empty Re: Paging Mr Williams // Rory

Post by Rory Williams Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:29 am

Rory was just finishing up a shift at the hospital when he had started his normal, early morning walk home. Watching the city still seem rather lively at such an hour, he himself was rather exhausted. As he was crossing the street, he heard a beep from his pager, and he looked down at it curiously.

It was Sveta. This surprised him a bit since it had been a little bit since they saw each other. The door was open at her place, huh? He smiled lightly a he decided to head over now, maybe even greet her by cuddling her in her sleep if she had gone to bed.

When he had made it to her apartment, he opened the door quietly and heard a shower running. He laughed lightly as he decided to wait and see how long it'd be for her to get out.
Rory Williams
Rory Williams
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Paging Mr Williams // Rory Empty Re: Paging Mr Williams // Rory

Post by Svetlana Orlova Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:10 am

As her tiredness began to seep away, as if by some strange shower magic, Sveta began to think about the recent wave of medical emergencies. Had there been some sort of linking factor, such as age or region, she would have gotten suspicious sooner. But there was absolutely nothing and so logic dictated that she ignore it and chalk it down to some freak event. But her heart just couldn't rest easy. There was something up here and she would eventually get down to the bottom of it.

But not tonight. Tonight was reserved for thinking about everything but work and the tragedies that occurred while there. Switching the shower off, she got out and wrapped herself in the fluffiest towel she could find on the rack. Pulling her hair from the bun she'd put it up in to keep it from getting wet, she fluffed up her brown locks and let them fall in their usual gentle waves around her shoulder.

Mind now wondering if she would end up seeing Rory tonight, she wandered out of the bathroom, leaving the fan humming lazily as it tried to battle away the humidity. Sveta hadn't heard from him since she called, nor had she heard him coming in so she came to the conclusion that he must already be asleep. Adjusting her towel so it wouldn't fall, she was about to head to her bedroom when she stopped, mind registering that something was different. In her tired musings she had not realised.

"Well well, look who the cat dragged in," she teased with a grin, eyes taking on a happy sparkle as she wandered over to him. "Long time no see." She looked him up and down, cocking her head to the side. "How was the shift and how's life and would you like anything to drink?" she asked, the grin not going away. It was extremely good to see him.
Svetlana Orlova
Svetlana Orlova
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Paging Mr Williams // Rory Empty Re: Paging Mr Williams // Rory

Post by Rory Williams Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:34 pm

"Hello gorgeous," Rory smiled when she had approached him. She had just showered and her hair was wet, but she was still just as beautiful as he had remembered. Immediately, without hesitating, he had wrapped his arms around her as he approached her. "Work was okay. I'll have a glass of wine if you have any... but that can wait."

He had truly missed her so much, and holding her like this brought butterflies to his stomach, just like the ones he felt when he had first kissed her. He looked into her eyes for a long moment, just smiling as they gazed at each other. It had been so long, and this was everything he needed after a long shift.
Rory Williams
Rory Williams
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Paging Mr Williams // Rory Empty Re: Paging Mr Williams // Rory

Post by Svetlana Orlova Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:04 pm

"If I have any?" she repeated with a grin and a raised eyebrow, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Obviously it's been so long since you've been here that you've forgotten all the poisons I keep in stock," she teased, eyes glinting cheekily. Her mind raced back to the first time they'd drunk together - the day that they'd first met. What a fun night that had been; just the memory of it made her almost giggle.

The two of them gazed at each other for a long silent moment, both looking as happy as the other to be together again after so long. A warm tender smile crossed Sveta's lips and she reached up to touch Rory's cheek, stroking it with the pad of her thumb. Seconds later the paramedic was pulling her boyfriend into a hug tight, burying her face in his shoulder. "It's really wonderful to see you," she mumbled, just standing there and holding him as if the second she let go he'd disappear. "I've really very missed you."
Svetlana Orlova
Svetlana Orlova
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Paging Mr Williams // Rory Empty Re: Paging Mr Williams // Rory

Post by Rory Williams Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:22 pm

Rory held onto her very tightly. Listening to her happiness as she spoke against him, made him smile more in a tighter embrace. "I've missed you so much. I'm glad to see you, too," he laughed lightly. Although her hair was wet, he could smell the freshness of it. There was something about her scent that drove him a little crazy.

After a long embrace he pulled back a put to look into her eyes. One of his hands had moved up to her cheek as he watched her with his bright, blue eyes, a soft smile upon his face. He then very slowly moved in until his lips had met hers, closing his eyes after. He felt the butterflies churn in his stomach as he held onto her dearly, continuing to kiss her.
Rory Williams
Rory Williams
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Paging Mr Williams // Rory Empty Re: Paging Mr Williams // Rory

Post by Svetlana Orlova Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:43 pm

She giggled softly as Rory hugged her tighter and instantly she did the same, nuzzling him gently with her nose. "I'm not going to disappear if you hold me any looser," she chuckled softly in his ear, reaching up and stroking his hair. Sveta couldn't help grinning goofily to herself. It felt really nice, knowing he'd missed her. "You could have visited, you know. Us paramedics aren't trained to kill on sight if you decide to visit," she teased him with a giggle, ruffling his hair.

As they pulled away, Rory brought his hand up to her cheek, and smiling happily, Sveta nuzzled it. It was times like these when she really was convinced that her soul animal must be a cat. A soft content chuckle left her lips as she gazed at Rory, her wonderful amazing Rory. Seconds later her was moving closer and as his lips met hers, her eyes fluttered shut. Her heart began racing and she pressed her body up against Rory's, kissing him slowly. Oh how she'd missed his kisses! Bringing her hands up to cup his face, she continued to kiss him, deepening the kiss.
Svetlana Orlova
Svetlana Orlova
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Paging Mr Williams // Rory Empty Re: Paging Mr Williams // Rory

Post by Rory Williams Fri Aug 23, 2013 6:15 pm

Rory continued to kiss her as his arms had wrapped around her; one on her waist and the other on the back of her head, stroking at her hair lightly. His eyes closed as his lips moved against hers and their breathing seemed to become in sync. When he had finally pulled away, he then kissed her forehead. "I would have visited if I wasn't stuck at work all the time... when I get off, it's rather late, and I never now if you're sleeping."

He looked around the area and noticed the time on the clock was rather late. Still, he didn't seem to care. He looked back at her with a crooked smile and nodded. "I'll go get us some drinks from the kitchen. What do you want, love?"
Rory Williams
Rory Williams
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Paging Mr Williams // Rory Empty Re: Paging Mr Williams // Rory

Post by Svetlana Orlova Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:25 am

Sveta frowned when Rory said that he was at the hospital all the time. For a minute she wondered whether it was merely an exaggeration on his part or whether he really was working over-time like her now. "Have they given you a room of your own yet?" she joked with a giggle, stroking his cheek. "You're there so much that they really should give you your own honorary room by now..." She gave a slight shrug. "You should have come by anyway. The couches at HQ are so damn comfortable you wouldn't have wanted to leave. We could have slept all cuddled together, though we'd never hear the end of it," she admitted with a sheepish grin.

Running through a mental list of alcoholic drinks in the house, Sveta gently bit her lip in thought. "I think there's some beer in the fridge though christ knows how long it's actually been in there!" It had been so long since she'd actually stepped foot in the place for anything more than to collapse on her bed and sleep until her next call-out that she wasn't sure what was even still edible in there. When she wasn't rostered, she was on call; she no longer had time to eat at home. "Be careful of it though! I fear there might be a few alive somethings in there. I'll call the Hazmat team in the morning, they'll be well-equipped enough to get rid of them!"

"Hey Rory," she began, biting her lip in hesitation. Should she tell him her suspicions? By Rory's words it sounded to the woman that the extra-shifts were nothing out of the ordinary for him. But then again this was Rory - he practically lived at the hospital he worked there that often, so to her it seemed doubtful that he might pick up on it. To him it might just be another regular day (or night) at St. Bart's. "Have you uh, have you noticed anything...strange about all these medical emergencies?" she asked, her voice casual enough to pretend as if she was merely just curious about the matter and not at all concerned. "Does it seem like there's an outbreak of something happening or is that just me imagining because I can't remember the last time I slept in my own bed?" She laughed, running a hand through her hair. Deep down she knew it wasn't the latter. But she wanted to see if anyone else had caught on too.
Svetlana Orlova
Svetlana Orlova
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Paging Mr Williams // Rory Empty Re: Paging Mr Williams // Rory

Post by Rory Williams Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:28 am

Rory went and grabbed the two of them some beers and when he had went to look at everything else in the refrigerator, he suddenly heard Sveta's warning. Quickly moving his hand away while closing it, he laughed lightly. "I'll just wait to eat later." Suddenly, Sveta had gone quiet though, as he got his Swiss army knife out and opened the bottles quickly to bring back.

Seeing Sveta in the hallway, she looked slightly nervous, as though she was trying to hide it. She asked if something was strange about all the emergencies, and Rory stopped for a moment to think about it. It was a bit weird... especially since they were all coming in masses at once. "Now that you mention it, it is a bit strange..."

A lot of the people he was getting were injured in ways that did not seem accidental. Still, many of them had the fear of god in their eyes, claiming that it was, indeed, an accident. Of course, now seeing it in his mind, he could firmly say they must have been lying. Something was going on.
Rory Williams
Rory Williams
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