The Adventure of the Blue Box
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"The Adventure Of The Blue Box" has shut its doors here and moved to a different host. The new site can be found HERE. The admins want to thank everyone who made Blue Box amazing and gave us wonderful memories and fantastic rp adventures. We hope to see you on the new site! Members can still log in and get their stuff if they need.

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Lost in Time // Open

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Lost in Time // Open Empty Lost in Time // Open

Post by Richard Holmes Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:54 pm

Walking down the path of a park, Richard was in a foul mood, he was handling the whole time displace quite well until recently. It was a few days ago the gravity of his situation finally set in, the finality of things. He was stuck in a time that was not his, he was alone and separated from those he knew. He had tried his best to handle the truth, but now he just felt like everything was against him.

As he continued his walk Richard had no clue on what to do, he usually had a idea on what to do, but now, he was simply lost, lost in the future or lost in the past? Where was he actually lost in? Richard then came to the conclusion that he lost his past, and is trapped in a time he did not belong. Then Richard heard a sound nearby and snapped to attention, scanning the area, but after a moment, he just continued on his walk, not caring about what he heard, if it was someone else, or even danger, it does not matter, nothing matters anymore.
Richard Holmes
Richard Holmes

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