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Let's Get This Party Started // Yasmin

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Let's Get This Party Started // Yasmin Empty Let's Get This Party Started // Yasmin

Post by The Queen of Hearts Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:11 pm

A trio of empty shot glasses stood in front of the Queen of Hearts in a neat line, a few drops of clear liquid still lingering in the glasses. Moxxi watched the bartender for a moment before wrinkling her nose in boredom and spun around to survey the club. She'd been here a handful of times and had enjoyed it. Admittedly though it had been at much later times than this, when the club was really bouncing and full. The place itself was pretty enough, but there was something lacking tonight, something that took her several moments to put her finger on.

Fun and joy - that's what was missing, the Queen realised, wrinkling her nose at this. Everyone here looked so serious and sombre, as if they were still at work or were attempting to drown their existing sorrows. The latter Moxxi understood all too well (she'd been there, done that), but it was doing nothing to help the atmosphere of the club. With a sigh, the Time Lady smoothed her skirt down, before checking out the potential company for the night. No one that seemed as if they could provide her with the fun that she wanted. Several couples, a group of texting girls, a few guys staring unseeingly into their beers. It didn't make sense to the woman - why even come out if you weren't going to make a night of it?

A couple of people were dancing along to the dance music that was playing, but even they seemed listless and bored. Maybe it was the music. Something bouncy with a good beat, that was what was needed. Some pop would do wonders to get the place dancing; everyone loved pop, even if they claimed otherwise. Something like...who was that human blonde, the one that had been dubbed Queen Of Pop? Britney, that's the one. Some of her would do wonders for this place, Moxxi thought, turning back to the bar and ordering a bottle of raspberry liquor that she could nurse while waiting for the club to fill up. Or at at the very least, some ABBA. That would get anyone dancing...!
The Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts

Posts : 35
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Let's Get This Party Started // Yasmin Empty Re: Let's Get This Party Started // Yasmin

Post by Yasmin Mae Collins Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:28 pm

And there she was again... at the club all by herself. And why? Because a model friend of hers had canceled on her last minute. Again. The young brunette sighed heavily. She had been in the club already, because they wanted to meet here and now she was texting some of her other model friends, but sadly to no avail. They all plans already or they simply didn't want to party with her. Of course... she was much younger than most of them.

Pah... they shall stay with themselves. If nobody wants to party with me... am gonna party with maself.
Only problem: that was much harder to do than it was said. Or thought in her case. Yasmin put her phone away and glanced around the club. The few guys she spotted weren't much to her liking. Mostly way too old for her anyway. Or the kind of men just trying to get into her pants. If they seemed interested at all. And that small group of texting girls? Nah... too young and probably too bitchy.

Yas got up from the chair and slowly wandered over to the bar, her long waivy hair bouncing around her head and shoulders with every step. She slightly straightened out her dress, a sign of pure boredom actually. Coincidentally she stopped close to a female she thought she had seen here before, but didn't know.

Putting on a sweet smile for the somewhat cute bartender, Yasmin ordered a Tequilla Sunrise for herself. Her favorite drink actually. Then, while waiting for it, she simply sat down on the stool in front of the bar and glanced around again.
Yasmin Mae Collins
Yasmin Mae Collins

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Let's Get This Party Started // Yasmin Empty Re: Let's Get This Party Started // Yasmin

Post by The Queen of Hearts Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:36 pm

This boredom of Moxxi's throughly confused her. Normally she was never like this; she was the life and soul of the party, priding herself on her ability to turn any boring event into something worthy of Hollywood. She'd been to her fair share of Hollywood parties in her time; amazing fun they were too! But tonight she felt more blah and uncertain of what to do with herself than she had in the longest of times. She almost groaned. Who the hell had she turned into?!

She blamed Lewis for all this. In the kindest and most affectionate way possible, of course, but she still blamed him entirely. Her darling author had been running through her mind non-stop lately and it was taking all of the Queen's self-control not to hop into her TARDIS and go back to see him. But as much as she wanted to, she had to stop herself. All of this with Lewis unnerved her. Moxxi had long known who she was, and that person was not someone who got attached, settled down, or abided anything serious. She refused to let anyone have any sort of power over her, and yet Lewis had succeeded. Her dear Mr Carroll was the only one that had managed to make her feel something other than lust or infatuation. He made her feel love, the very emotion poets and writers all over the universe waxed lyrical about. The Queen of Hearts had fallen in love, and it scared her.

Pouring herself a glass full of the raspberry alcohol, Moxxi took a sip, holding back a sigh. By this point she was seriously considering just grabbing the bottle and heading out to Cardiff to surprise either Owen or Jack. She kind of missed the two flirts. She spun on her chair to survey the club again, deciding that if no one caught her eye, she'd go. Moxxi really didn't want to spend the night moping as she drunk. She wanted excitement and fun! Presently her green eyes landed on a pretty brunette who was busy texting away and looking around every so often. Though she hid it well, Moxxi could tell that she was frustrated by something, and since she was very much alone the Queen figured that she might have been ditched by either her friends or her lover for the night. Out of all the people here tonight she looked like she could be the most interesting to chat to and drink with.

"Surely a pretty thing such as yourself couldn't have been ditched?" she queried as turned to the woman, raising an eyebrow casually. Despite her trademark sultry tone, for once Moxxi had no intention of flirting. She blamed Lewis for that too. For the love of Rassilon, why did he make her feel like this?! The woman was flirt-extraodinare and had been since she was a teenager, yet now she actually felt like she should be monogamous. "Drink with me," she added, giving the stranger a friendly smile. "Having company will certainly make this quiet evening easier to bear."
The Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts

Posts : 35
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