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Wet Noses and Whiskers // Inner Animal Game

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Wet Noses and Whiskers // Inner Animal Game Empty Wet Noses and Whiskers // Inner Animal Game

Post by Idris Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:38 am

Here is where your character gets randomly turned into their soul animal - the animal that best reflects them and their personality. When they transform, they end up in the TARDIS (either in the big meeting room or outside - your choice). Base your reactions accordingly. Animal characters can talk and understand each other as the translation circuit will make them understand each other, though italicize the dialogue. Have fun! Very Happy


There were plenty of times that things in Idris's life didn't make sense. Right now was one of those times. One minute she was trying to pilot the TARDIS, dancing around the console and singing to herself and the next this happened. She felt herself growing, the sound of ripping fabric echoed through the console room, and next second Idris was staring down at a pair of snow-white paws where previously her hands had been.

She twisted and turned the new paws in front of her, examining them. How in the world was she supposed to fly the TARDIS now?! Even if she managed to move levers and slam buttons, the claws would certainly get in the way. A puzzled look came onto her features and Idris wrinkled her black nose. Turning her head, she looked over her shoulder to have a look at the rest of her, only to confirm what she suspected - she'd turned into a polar bear.

Stepping away from the console, she landed on her front paws with a soft thud. For a long moment Idris stared sadly at the remnants of her Victorian dress, now all in tatters. Finally, with a sigh that came out as a soft growl, she turned and padded out of the console room. Lumbering past rooms, she kept going further and further into the maze that made up the TARDIS. Finally, she stopped, nudging at a door in front of her. When simple nudging didn't work, Idris stood up on her back paws and slammed her furry body against the door. The poor thing gave a squeak in protest (or rather pain, Idris assumed, if doors could feel it) and swung open.

Grinning, the beary woman sauntered in and looked around. This was the perfect place to meet any others that would decide to show up. Idris had a feeling that someone would show up eventually. Strange things never happened by themselves; she was sure that she'd end up with a furry friend sooner or later.
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Wet Noses and Whiskers // Inner Animal Game Empty Re: Wet Noses and Whiskers // Inner Animal Game

Post by Clara Oswald Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:01 am

Clara had not been expecting anything that had just happened. So one minute she was waving to Archie and Angie as they left to go to the cinema, and the next thing she knew she felt...odd. It felt as though her clothes were shrinking on her body. Alarmed, Clara looked down and saw that the clothes weren't changing at all...she was. Next thing she knew, she found herself on board the TARDIS, outside a room, and she was rather small. A confused look flitted across Clara's face as she looked down at herself. She recognized the animal she seemed to have become; she was a Chinchilla.

But how in the world had she ended up on board the TARDIS? She looked around for a moment, wondering about running away (if she could find her way through the TARDIS as a chinchilla of course), but then she decided against it. The room ahead of her seemed to be the best option, and plus the door was open, so she hesitantly took a few steps forward. Confidence rose inside her and Clara scampered into the room, looking around in interest. Her eyes fell upon a polar bear and her eyes widened slightly. It was much bigger than her, but...was it possible that other people had turned into animals too?

Clara didn't know what to do for a few moments and she considered rushing out again. But she decided against it and she scurried forward a little more, and sat down, her ears twitching. "Hello..." she said, and she was surprised at the fact that she could talk. Well, to humans it most likely wouldn't sound like talking, but still, that wasn't what was important. "Are you...I mean, did you...turn into an animal? Like I did?" She'd feel incredibly stupid if the polar bear was a real animal, that hadn't been human before...but then, what would a polar bear be doing on the TARDIS? She wouldn't put it past the Doctor to have one on board, but still, it just didn't seem...natural.
Clara Oswald
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Wet Noses and Whiskers // Inner Animal Game Empty Re: Wet Noses and Whiskers // Inner Animal Game

Post by Idris Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:35 am

Meandering around the giant room soon got very boring and Idris decided that now was the perfect time to test out the swimming pool off to the side of the room. With a burst of energy, she galloped across the room and jumped off the pool edge. After managing a grand total of two seconds of being air-borne, she fell into the water with a resounding splash, sending water flying everywhere and turning the calm pool into Wave Central. Paddling about and diving even deeper, Idris swum about under the water as minute after minute passed. She'd never swum before; this was a very interesting experience, and one she was thoroughly beginning to enjoy.

Finally, as her lungs began to protest that they needed air, Idris burst out from under the surface. Hearing someone talking and asking a question, Idris looked around her. She didn't see anyone, but she had definitely heard them. It had been a feale voice, asking her if she'd been turned into an animal too. Swimming over to the edge, Idris spent a good minute trying to find who was talking to her. Finally she spotted a tiny grey creature, fluffy as could be. Given that it was the only one in the room, she assumed that it was she who was addressing her.

Lumbering out of the pool, Idris shook herself off, droplets flying everywhere. Having finished that, the bear nodded. "One minute I was trying to fly the TARDIS to Haboo, land of the singing flowers, and next minute I end up as a snow-loving bear," she replied, before taking another step towards the newcomer. Leaning closer, so her nose was almost touching the fluffball, Idris gazed curiously at her, trying to figure out what the creature was. "What are you?" she asked finally, curiosity winning out.
Chief Inspector
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Wet Noses and Whiskers // Inner Animal Game Empty Re: Wet Noses and Whiskers // Inner Animal Game

Post by Guest Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:34 am

Winter yawned bored, stretching her arms above her head. She wasn't interested in what whoever was talking about in the slightest. Winter rolled her eyes at the person.

"I am not paying you the least amount of attention, you realise?" Winter said bluntly and rather cruelly to the talkative, but not interesting human that spoke. Winter stretched her hands above her head once again, her bones felt like they were skrinking and stretching. Not a comfortable experiance. Winter's arm's shook and thin little feathers poked out of her skin. Winter quickly dropped her arms, and shook them firmly. Her skin stretched, and her bones shrank in her arms. More feathers poked through her skin, and once out they stretched wide like she had a wing.

Winter's clothes grew in the most peculalar way, growing tighter in some places and fell off of her in every other. Winter felt her face change from a futurekind one to having a beak and sprouting feathers as well. Her eyes became wide, and reflected the light. Winter hopped out of her old clothes, now an owl. Winter spread her wings out, and screeched at the human she had spoken to earlier. Who promptly turned, and ran.

Ah humans, how trust worthy. There he was, claiming to be an ally of mine. But as soon as I sprout a few feathers, he runs for the door. Winter thought deviously, her eyes glinting with hatred. Winter disappeared with a puff of feathers and reaappeared in the TARDIS control. The owl hopped onto the one of the railings, spreading her wings she jumped up into the air. Easily propelling herself into the air with her legs. She glided down the hallways with ease, not being distracted by the breeze in her face. She landed beside a wet polar bear, folding her wings up underneath her she tilted her head at a 90 degree angle in her curiousity.

"Alat kafir a'bas!" Winter screeched, leaning her head forward. She paused, leaned back into her upright postition, and held a wing in front of her face for a moment.

"I mean to say, Greetings." Winter corrected herself, folding her wings beneath her.


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