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Text // Svetlana

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Text // Svetlana Empty Text // Svetlana

Post by Guest Fri May 10, 2013 10:29 am

Winter Mills to Svetlanna Orlova
Here are the pictures you wanted, this penguin was convinced that this was a fish. And scared off anything that came towards it. Including fish.
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Text // Svetlana Empty Re: Text // Svetlana

Post by Svetlana Orlova Fri May 10, 2013 11:00 am

Svetlana to Winter
Crack-up! How long did it take for the effects to wear off? And was he hungover as hell the next morning? If so, I'm curious about penguin hangover symptoms...
Svetlana Orlova
Svetlana Orlova
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Post by Guest Fri May 10, 2013 11:06 am

Winter Mills to Svetlanna Orlova
Since they were so small, and I gave them such a high dose of alcohol. It took a few hours to wear off. It mostly consisted of penguins falling over one another, slipping and rolling down slopes. They were pretty hung over, as far as I could tell. This one shows a hung over penguin. So multiply it by a good 200 more.
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Text // Svetlana Empty Re: Text // Svetlana

Post by Svetlana Orlova Fri May 10, 2013 11:47 am

Svetlana to Winter
That's brilliant. So wish I could have been there to see it. Though, I do feel kinda bad for the wee dears... They all survived their drunken stint though, I assume? Fish milkshakes - they'd be the perfect penguin hangover-cure methinks.
Svetlana Orlova
Svetlana Orlova
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Text // Svetlana Empty Re: Text // Svetlana

Post by Guest Fri May 10, 2013 11:55 am

Winter Mills to Svetlanna Orlova
Nonsense, I am sure they had the time of their tiny little lives. All 200 of them. They survived, altough many of them had to sober up fast. Falling face first into a glacier does that. If you find the one person on earth who would make a fish milkshake, you have discovered a rare breed indeed.


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Text // Svetlana Empty Re: Text // Svetlana

Post by Svetlana Orlova Fri May 10, 2013 12:04 pm

Svetlana to Winter
Oh, I'm not saying they didn't enjoy it. I bet they had an utter blast. I just feel sorry for them cos of the hangover. Those things are a total bitch. Hmm, I wonder if penguins can puke...? Did any of yours? I'm sure there's a recipe online somewhere. Humans are weird like that.
Svetlana Orlova
Svetlana Orlova
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Text // Svetlana Empty Re: Text // Svetlana

Post by Guest Fri May 10, 2013 12:11 pm

Winter Mills to Svetlana Orlova
Oh, yes. Yes they did. All 200 of them. Do not go sailing around antartica. Any time soon. I do not know, why would mortals wish to make fish milkshakes? It sounds-


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Text // Svetlana Empty Re: Text // Svetlana

Post by Svetlana Orlova Fri May 10, 2013 12:41 pm

Svetlana to Winter
Eww, nasty. Although admittedly it'll probs be a lot better than human puke. I don't know what that word means but yeah, humans are weirdos.
Svetlana Orlova
Svetlana Orlova
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Post by Guest Fri May 10, 2013 1:23 pm

Winter Mills to Svetlana Orlova
Mortals do not have a word quite like it. Thus it is quite hard to translate. It is.. similar to swearing. But that is beside the point, I think I just ran over a building.


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Text // Svetlana Empty Re: Text // Svetlana

Post by Svetlana Orlova Fri May 10, 2013 2:13 pm

Svetlana to Winter
Wait, you did what now...?!
Svetlana Orlova
Svetlana Orlova
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Post by Guest Fri May 10, 2013 2:16 pm

Winter Mills to Svetlana Orlova
I ran over a building, a few secretaries, some men in suits. And a whole lot of cubicals. It is alright, the car is undamaged. I upgraded it to handle this sort of thing. Happens surprisingly often.


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Text // Svetlana Empty Re: Text // Svetlana

Post by Svetlana Orlova Fri May 10, 2013 2:21 pm

Svetlana to Winter
Holy crap, Winter! It's not the car I'm worried about! WHY were you driving through/over/whatever a building anyways?! That's what roads are for! And what do you mean it happens surprisingly often?!
Svetlana Orlova
Svetlana Orlova
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Post by Guest Fri May 10, 2013 2:24 pm

Winter Mills to Svetlana Orlova
It was a shortcut. Roads are guidlines, not rules anyway. And I mean it happens fairly often. Almost daily in fact. I suggest getting an ambulance over here, or there. It was on some road, good luck finding it.


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Text // Svetlana Empty Re: Text // Svetlana

Post by Svetlana Orlova Fri May 10, 2013 2:29 pm

Svetlana to Winter
Roads are not guidelines! You're supposed to stick to them; it's in the road manual! If you're going to live here while pretending to be human, at least act like we do. Please. And I'm confiscating your keys when I get there. Not giving 'em back till you pass a driving test. Geez. The ambulance is on it's way, we just got the call. I'm gonna strangle you...
Svetlana Orlova
Svetlana Orlova
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Text // Svetlana Empty Re: Text // Svetlana

Post by Guest Fri May 10, 2013 2:34 pm

Winter Mills to Svetlana Orlova
Roads are indeed a guidline, no one follows them. They are like... that silly little law saying do not text and drive. Why would you take my keys? Oh, I should tell you. I did not stop. I am still going, they already called the ambulance, me sticking around would help no one.


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