The Adventure of the Blue Box
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"The Adventure Of The Blue Box" has shut its doors here and moved to a different host. The new site can be found HERE. The admins want to thank everyone who made Blue Box amazing and gave us wonderful memories and fantastic rp adventures. We hope to see you on the new site! Members can still log in and get their stuff if they need.

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Calypso's Away Messages

Ianto Jones
Anthony Wellington
Vasilisa Tchaikovsky
Nathaniel Wellington
Amy Pond
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Calypso's Away Messages - Page 2 Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Idris Wed May 29, 2013 7:46 pm

Ok, I'm sorta back. 'Sorta' being the operative word in that sentence. Everything's still a bit iffy, confusing and odd right now, but I plan to be around a bit more. Posts/replies will be really slow and for that I do apologise. But they'll come eventually.
Chief Inspector
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Calypso's Away Messages - Page 2 Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Yasmin Mae Collins Thu May 30, 2013 10:18 am

I hope you'll be better soon, twin! *hugs*
Yasmin Mae Collins
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Calypso's Away Messages - Page 2 Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Fri May 31, 2013 6:29 am

I join in with all the best wishes and a basket of Pringles xD
Nathaniel Wellington
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Calypso's Away Messages - Page 2 Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Idris Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:48 pm

Just letting you all know that I will be taking some time away from this place. Don't know when I'll be back, but I'll see you all when I see you.

Good luck with everything. Lotsa love,
Chief Inspector
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Calypso's Away Messages - Page 2 Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Anthony Wellington Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:46 pm

will miss ya, hon. have a good time Smile
Anthony Wellington
Anthony Wellington
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Calypso's Away Messages - Page 2 Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Idris Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:29 pm

Hi everyone. Well, the s**t has officially hit the fan at home, once again. So yours truly is spending the week job-hunting for a second job so she can afford to leave. Flat-hunting is also the other thing I'm doing and will keep you all posted on my progress. I will be on in the evenings like I usually am, but most likely they will be non-existent while I sort all of this bullcrap out.

I love you all so much and you are constantly in my thoughts to keep me going through this difficult time. I hope that I manage to sort things out so I can be back here soon. I really miss talking, chatting and rp-ing with you all.

Stay strong and have lots of fun in my abscence. I am really lucky to have met you all.

Lots of hug and love,
Chief Inspector
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Calypso's Away Messages - Page 2 Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by The Pariah Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:51 am

My prayers are with you, hun. Stay strong and beautiful!
The Pariah
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Calypso's Away Messages - Page 2 Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Guest Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:51 am

O_O your own place, that sounds awesome! When it's done at least you'll have your own place, so that's something. I wish you the best of luck finding a flat, and I'll miss you until you come back!


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Calypso's Away Messages - Page 2 Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Idris Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:46 pm

Hmm, reading through the soap-opera that is my away thread is rather interesting, to say the least.

Anyway, it's update time.

My week ahead (because unlike normal people, my week starts on a Saturday) is pretty jam-packed with work, stuff to do, people to see, a tonne of errands, organising cover for my upcoming operation and other such riveting stuff. Fun times :/

Long story short - replies (as they have been for the past week or so) probably won't be done. My muse is fried. Sorry lovelies. Not fried, but actually dead. White Crow tends to think that my muse is off sipping mojitos and other such delicious cocktails on a beach somewhere, but I beg to differ. At the moment she's lying in St. Bart's morgue with Molly Hooper examining her. Yes, that dead.

People who thread with the following characters will be affected: Amy Pond, Idris, Irene Adler, the Queen of Hearts, Svetlana Orlova and Vasilisa Tchaikovsky.

Of course, if replies do come, please don't assume I'm back. Because then I'll feel guilty.

Also, this doubles as Star's away message. She's working some intense shifts this week and on her days off I intend to pamper and nurse the poor girl since she is working way too hard, and I don't want her crashing and burning. So anyone who rp's with Anthea may be affected.
Chief Inspector
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Calypso's Away Messages - Page 2 Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Sat Sep 21, 2013 2:18 am

Aww hon *hugs tightly* I just read.
I wish you all the strength and patience.
And I'd like your muse to be revived (after all as shown on Supernatural it's quite possible, ask for Winchester bros for advice), my muse pretty much is sipping mojitos with Wellington twins so as long as White Crow and Kat (pardon if I forgot someone, I can memorize tv show character/actor names better than sometimes people) I'll be pulling off the time.
But of course will miss you, twin *hugs*
Nathaniel Wellington
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Calypso's Away Messages - Page 2 Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Guest Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:43 pm

Get well soon, Tia!

You never know, maybe once all of your stress and such is gone and everything is resolved maybe your lovely muse will return. If not, you shouldn't feel bad about it as it happens to everyone.


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Calypso's Away Messages - Page 2 Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Natalia Barton Sun Sep 22, 2013 3:12 am

Hopefully everything gets better for you. Don't worry I am sure your muse isn't official dead…maybe it's taken a long rest. At least you don't have any difficult characters.
Natalia Barton
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Calypso's Away Messages - Page 2 Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Idris Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:16 pm

Aww, you guys are all so lovely *huggles tight*

I'm sure that once things calm down, my muse will be back. Hopefully *runs off to find Winchester brothers for their help*

Meanwhile, I'm open for rp ideas if anyone has them, just that replies will be  super slow. But just maybe a new topic or two might kick-start my muse.

Until then, I think I need a good long rest and some time with my friends, just ignoring the real world. Might just work.
Chief Inspector
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Calypso's Away Messages - Page 2 Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Anthony Wellington Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:14 am

Yeah I hope you'll beat this period of down. I know you will, we're here for you Smile

Topic ideas are now happily floating around my brain lately, part of them has already put out.

But I can always sprout a topic or too, just what char of yours feel especially lonely and I'll be up for no good Wink *HP universe still lurks around*
Anthony Wellington
Anthony Wellington
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