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Calypso's Away Messages

Ianto Jones
Anthony Wellington
Vasilisa Tchaikovsky
Nathaniel Wellington
Amy Pond
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Amy Pond Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:42 am

Hi everyone! This is is my new thread for all my away messages.

Anyways, I hate to do this just as we've become more active, but my good friend is in town and I'll be staying with him for the week. I'll be bringing Odile (my laptop) along and will try and log on, but no promises.
This week is gonna be a bit hectic lol. So much to do, so little time xD

See all of you guys later Smile
*hugs to everyone*
Amy Pond
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:01 am

Okay sis, have fun!
I'll try concentrate more on my speakers hunt. will get an early b-day gift from mom tomorrow (very very early indeed)

*hugs you back sissy*

Nice name for laptop btw Smile
I actually named my cousin's given pc Frank LOL
Nathaniel Wellington
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Amy Pond Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:08 am

Haha, early b-day gifts rock! Very Happy

And thanks! Smile I named her that cos she's black in colour and Odile is the Black Swan from Swan Lake which is my all-time favourite classical score :3
I love the name Frank! It's always been on my fave-names list haha so a pc called Frank is just awesome!

P.S. If you want, you can look after Wholock while I'm gone along with Zach.
Amy Pond
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:35 pm

Ah yes they do Smile

Oh I didn't know. Swan Lake much like every other classic piece is kinda foreign to me (and not always due to simple boringness).

It was the only name that came to mind considering its age (CSIM influence LOL)

My eyes will be over Wholock too Wink They still are sweeping over Miami daily
Nathaniel Wellington
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Idris Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:20 pm

I am back! Very Happy I have missed this place so much! I hope all of you have been well.

So my mate's gone back home *sniff* but at least I had a most amazing time with him. Went to see Nutcracker on Ice, by my fave Ice Stars and that was rather amazing.

And now to get ready for the new uni semester. Am sooo happy because I pretty much get almost two days of during the week Very Happy Meaning that even with classes, I'll get to rp heaps (seeing as languages is easy for me and I won't have to study insanely). Yay! *dances*
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:02 pm

So good you're back Smile

Awesome. I bet it was heaps fun Very Happy
Ah those are good news.

I'm totally stuck at home and will be rping mooded for at least another week.
Unless mystery doctor won't teleport into my room and fix my injured foot I'll be missing library and friend visits. That sucks but at least I'll be keeping book till month ends (last saturday every month is meant to be day when you can return taken books you haven't given back on terms without paying for being late). I just hope they still have that policy LOL.

Anyway, missed ya heaps. Glad you're back Smile
Nathaniel Wellington
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Amy Pond Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:13 pm

Will be away this weekend. Have some RL stuff that needs to be done, plus study that needs to be caught up on.
Amy Pond
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Vasilisa Tchaikovsky Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:19 pm

Hey guys. Just letting you know that I'll be away for this weekend. Possibly longer. Until I can get some Sherlock and Who into me, my muse refuses to write and so I'm going to focus on my other sites for now.

I really hope you can keep this place running without me until I'm back. Do what you gotta do. Admins: short of a complete plot makeover, I give you permission to do whatever you wish to snazz up the site.

See you when I get back!
Vasilisa Tchaikovsky
Vasilisa Tchaikovsky
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Idris Sat Feb 02, 2013 7:53 am

Hi everyone. Just letting you know that I'm at work the next two days, so won't be on during the day. Shall be getting home around 7pm (UTC+12 - that's our timezone; use it if you need to figure out when I'll be on) and will probably only be on for 3 or 4 hours (need an early night). Tomorrow night I shall probably be back to my late-night rp-ing self.

Just wanted to let you guys know why I'm gone Smile See you when I get back from work. The thought of this place is pretty much the only thing that keeps me sane throughout shift xD
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Anthony Wellington Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:09 am

LOL I put second clock on my phone's home screen (didn't know mom's almost outdated samsung can do that). Now I'll know your time everytime I look at the screen Smile
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Amy Pond Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:35 pm

So...some of you may have heard about what's happened between Anthony and I. I'm ok, getting through it slowly. We're gonna stay friends, which is really nice.

But I'm going to take a couple of days away from this place. I will be over on Armonia, burying myself in the fantasy realm so I don't have to think about real-life.

Which makes no sense, I know, because 4 out of my 7 characters are partnered with his characters, but currently I just can't handle this place. I'm sorry guys.

I will hopefully be back by Tuesday or Wednesday next week. Hopefully you'll still have fun rping, even without me. If you have any problems, either email me ( or ask one of the other admins (Ianto, Caleb or the Wellington twins).

Will miss you guys lots, but I need a break. Lotsa love,
Amy Pond
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Wed Feb 20, 2013 6:23 am

Alright, I'm in a dark about that but it's okay.
I'll survive.

Hope everything will get super again Smile
Nathaniel Wellington
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Vasilisa Tchaikovsky Fri Apr 05, 2013 6:28 pm

So it's that time of the week again - the weekend. Meaning that I'll be working both days, as per usual. So I won't be online during the day and will be getting early nights both evenings. I'll be coming online after work probably, so might be able to get some replies out, but no promises.

Will be back properly on Sunday night! Smile Don't miss me too much while I'm gone Razz
Vasilisa Tchaikovsky
Vasilisa Tchaikovsky
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Anthony Wellington Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:14 pm

Well, then I'm gonna join in the absence.
My work has got me overworked and there's still workload for me till next week.
Won't be online myself. Possibly all up until next weekend but might occasionally pop in during my evenings (if I'll be alive enough for that).

Wishing you good time Smile
Anthony Wellington
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Vasilisa Tchaikovsky Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:24 am

So as a few of you know, I've been offered a permanent extra shift at work. Meaning now I'll be working from Friday till Sunday. So I'll be more or less absent those three days. I won't be on much in the evenings either cos I need to get early nights, so Thursday-Sunday evenings I'll be basically M.I.A, though I'll try to pop into chat.

Anyways, will see you all Sunday night. Don't miss me too much xD
Vasilisa Tchaikovsky
Vasilisa Tchaikovsky
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Vasilisa Tchaikovsky Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:25 pm

So...things have gotten pretty fucked up here at home. Not only am I having to deal with personal dramas, I am also being kicked out of home. Tonight I will be staying at a friends. After that I will be absent from here. Don't know for how long, but don't expect any replies from me. Everything's turned to shit and the last thing I want to deal with is worrying about replies.

I hope you guys can understand. I will see you when I see you.

All my love,
Vasilisa Tchaikovsky
Vasilisa Tchaikovsky
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Ianto Jones Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:15 pm

Ok my going away message is for a much less important reason. I haven't been around this week. I've got a huge assignment due tuesday so I'm focusing on that.

Yules, I hope you find somewhere to stay and that things get better for you.
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Rachel Brown Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:45 pm

Oh my.. hope you find a permanent place to stay soon.

all the best *hugs*
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Nathaniel Wellington Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:17 pm

Aww how cruel. Hope you'll get a place to stay, darling.
*sends a huge bear-hug with lots of love*
Nathaniel Wellington
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Vasilisa Tchaikovsky Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:19 pm

Hey guys. So, update:

Things have (more or less) sorted themselves out. After my few days away, everyone's mellowed out and I am no longer being told to search for a flat. I've got a place to go just in case things go sour again, but hopefully it won't come to that.

I will be returning on Thursday. Till then things are gonna be a bit stressful, mainly due to work. Home life has become really quiet. I've gotten Gran into Sherlock, the Russian version. So her and I are friends once again. Though she really doesn't like Benedict xD

Work's just horrible. We had our monthly mystery shopper, on a Sunday of all days. It being Sunday, we failed. Rather badly. So now my colleague and I have to attend a compulsory meeting with the managers. I am soooo not looking forward to it. So that's now stressing me out.

But apart from that, things are good. Thanks for being so supportive and wonderful everyone. I really really appreciate it. You are all wonderful :3 *huge hugs*
Vasilisa Tchaikovsky
Vasilisa Tchaikovsky
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Rachel Brown Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:30 pm

That's wonderful Cal, glad everything worked out, and I'm sure the work thing will too

*hugs* Smile
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Idris Fri May 03, 2013 6:54 pm

Work this weekend and since I'm pretty dead anyways the chance is rather high that replies from me will be pretty much non-existent till Monday morning. Possibly Sunday evening, but no promises. Hope you guys have an awesome weekend and I'll see you all later Smile
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Idris Tue May 28, 2013 9:50 pm

Um so...everything's kinda really f-ed up here right about now so I might have to take a couple of days off from here. I might be able to get down to an internet cafe and spend some time there, but I can't make any promises.

So...just bear with me, ok guys? I'm sorry I've been so crap with replies lately, but that kinda stems back to the fact that I've got a lot on my plate right now.

Lots of love to everyone and I'll see you when I see you.
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by The Pariah Wed May 29, 2013 12:22 am

Take care lovely! We'll make sure that the site doesn't go crazy without you. <3
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Calypso's Away Messages Empty Re: Calypso's Away Messages

Post by Idris Wed May 29, 2013 7:46 pm

Ok, I'm sorta back. 'Sorta' being the operative word in that sentence. Everything's still a bit iffy, confusing and odd right now, but I plan to be around a bit more. Posts/replies will be really slow and for that I do apologise. But they'll come eventually.
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