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Dancing Queen // Patrick

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Dancing Queen // Patrick Empty Dancing Queen // Patrick

Post by Idris Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:05 am

"You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine."

With a happy giggle, Idris hopped off the merry-go-around, stumbling slightly before regaining her footing. The Doctor had left her in the park while he'd gone off to run an errand. He'd assured her that he'd be quick, but she'd retorted that he could take all the time he wanted. She would be kept very well amused until he got back. Brushing a lock of hair from her eyes, Idris continued singing, much to the amusement to the children and their parents in the park.

"You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the dancing queen!"

Skipping over to the swings, she plonked herself down onto the seat and began swinging, not even pausing in her song. A young mother chuckled at Idris's antics before joining in the song as she pushed her daughter higher and higher, the young girl squealing in delight. Idris's grin grew wider and her voice grew just a bit louder.

She must have looked an absolute sight to all of those watching, but frankly she didn't care. She was having fun and enjoying herself; that was all that mattered. Closing her eyes, she grinned as she felt the wind rushing against her face. How wonderful it felt! Taking another deep breath, Idris launched into the next verse.

"Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for the place to go
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
You come in to look for a king..."

She grinned as not only the young mother joined in this verse, but other parents began to join in the musical number, grinning and laughing as they sung. Idris beamed, ecstatic with how it was turning out. It's just like one of those movie musicals...!!
Chief Inspector
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Dancing Queen // Patrick Empty Re: Dancing Queen // Patrick

Post by Patrick Jane Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:10 pm

If he'd been drunk that wouldn't seem too obvious, since he wasn't it was pretty obvious that there were people singing. And almost dancing. Well some kids were.
The playground he was just passing by, without intentions to sit on swings and actually pretend his life didn't happen yet.
Today it seemed someone had this idea before him.

So Patrick Jane, usually cheerful and mischievous man, watched the crowd, and especially a woman on swings, having a moment.
So far only his twin friends had acted this childish openly, despite what Lisbon and Ally had pointed out about otherwise.
Okay, maybe just him and the most naive of the twins when they had one sunny day at this same place and bunch of kids and not-so kids. Money had even appeared into their pockets, which Patrick gave to the other man since he lived in a relative garbage can.

So, humming the common tune and brightly grinning Jane entered the scene of fun in a slightly dance-y-ish step.
Patrick Jane
Patrick Jane

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Dancing Queen // Patrick Empty Re: Dancing Queen // Patrick

Post by Idris Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:18 pm

Launching into the next verse, Idris giggled as she sung. Right now she really did feel like a dancing queen. Or at least the queen of this dance. Singing as loudly as her lungs would allow her, she spun around joyously. She wasn't sure if humans could actually radiate happiness and joy, but that's how the woman felt - like she was glowing. There were very few other times when she felt so happy while in this human form of hers; the day she got this body and could finally be with the Doctor not just in soul but in body too had been the most important of them.

How wonderfully amazing this all felt! The dancing and singing was great, but it was the joy and happiness that the whole park emitted while singing that was the most amazing. The adults, leaving all their problems and worries behind and joining this strange woman in a song that they all knew; the children, none of which knew this tune, all swaying in time to the singing, dancing along with parents (theirs and not theirs alike) and looking as if all their birthdays had all happened at once. It was a bewitching sight, and one that would forever bring a smile to the participants' faces when recalling this memory.

Spinning and twirling, Idris grabbed the wrist of a blonde who was off to the side bouncing to the (not so in-tune) melody but not dancing. Well, she'd fix that in a heartbeat. Giggling, she pulled him with her towards the merry-go-round, gaving the stranger a happy grin as she spun them both around, still singing. This must be what happiness really feels like, she mused, curly tendrils of hair falling out from her hair-do and framing her slender face. No wonder the Doctor does all those crazy stunts; this feeling is exhilarating!
Chief Inspector
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Dancing Queen // Patrick Empty Re: Dancing Queen // Patrick

Post by Patrick Jane Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:48 am

To say he felt different would most likely occur as an understatement. As he neared the dancing-singing crowd he felt himself lifting inwardly. Like a sun had shone inside him.
A wonderful feeling, indeed.

And then, all of a sudden, he got pulled into the whirlpool of joy and total awesomeness.
Almost as if Tony once did when someone, presumably his own twin, had got him drunk with too much candies at hand. And that time they ended up all dancing, singing, drunk and drowning in confetti and balloons, and more flowers and birds than usual.

So now he was back to delight and enjoyed the moment as he was pulled into this fun behavior and didn't care at all.
Patrick Jane
Patrick Jane

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Dancing Queen // Patrick Empty Re: Dancing Queen // Patrick

Post by Idris Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:47 pm

The big crowd continued laughing, singing and dancing, none of them caring any more how it all looked. All that mattered was that they were enjoying themselves, were having more fun now than most of their dull lives would allow them to have in their day-to-day routines. Verse after verse, chorus after chorus rang out across the playground; completely out of tune, but not a single one of them cared. The last note was marked by the entire chorus pulling poses and trailing off. After a a split second of silence, all the citizens broke into laughter and giggles, happy and joyous from this strange event.

Plonking herself down onto the merry-go-around, Idris leant against the rails and let out a content breath. She grinned at the blonde male who she'd kept by her side for the entire performance. "That was brilliant! Absolutely amazing and wonderful!" she exclaimed, claiming her Thief's current favourite word. Her breathing was shallow and ragged from the exertion of the dance and the brunette brought a hand up to her chest, watching in fascination as her lungs heaved in and out, attempting to get air. "You humans don't do this nearly enough!"
Chief Inspector
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Dancing Queen // Patrick Empty Re: Dancing Queen // Patrick

Post by Patrick Jane Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:19 am

The absolutely childish and happy-as-if-on-high grin didn't disappear Patrick's face even after the last tune ended and people got all gigglish and not even cared.
So far it had happened in two occasions: one- when tiny kittens were brought out for a group of kids and two- when Anthony started bursting buckets of flowers for all women at the park, bunch of balloons for kids and small eternity of colorful butterflies for everyone else. He usually earned cheers for his tricks and stuff so this kind of collective craziness was a new.

"I'm sure there won't be any suicides in this area for a while, nor any other criminal activity today. Bet the cops will get an easy day." Jane said, not quite sure if his attempt at humor wasn't too rusty or whether he would be able to stop if a laughing fit occurs by a complete accident completely uncontrolled. He totally felt like high. Or was it that happiness hormone finally finding its use.

His eyebrows quite expressively speed-crawled up to his hairline, blond curls dancing in the wind. "Ah," he bet anyone could see the process of his brain clicking together quite easily, "you seem to enjoy it though." he still was smiling. "I'm sure most of them doesn't think about it much." and he could feel his own lungs still working hard to bring the oxygen to his bloodstream.
Patrick Jane
Patrick Jane

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