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Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts

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Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts Empty Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts

Post by Richard Holmes Mon May 27, 2013 12:43 am

Richard was walking down a street late at night, heading back to his apartment, he had decided earlier this night to go out for a late night walk. As Richard walked down the sidewalks he was thinking about life, at times he wished for death, but at other times he was just glad to be still alive.

After a few more minutes of walking, Richard arrived at a intersection, he saw a red sports car driving through it intersection, it was then he saw another car speeding through the intersection and hitting the sports car. The driver of second vehicle, the car which caused the accident quickly opened the door to his car and started to run away.

Richard ran toward the sports car to check if it's driver was ok, at the same time he shouted at the other driver to stop, Richard knew that the chances of that were highly unlikely and his top concern right now was to check if the driver of the sports car was fine, thus he would not go chasing after the fleeing driver.

Arrive at the sports car, Richard knocked on the door and tried to force it open, at the same time he said "Don't panic if you can hear me, stay calm, I am trying to get you out of the car, you will be okay." Richard could not force open the door so he decided to try and smash the window, thus he took off his coat and wrapped it around his arm, he then tried to bash open the window.
Richard Holmes
Richard Holmes

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Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts Empty Re: Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts

Post by The Queen of Hearts Mon May 27, 2013 1:02 am

All these years and it had never occurred to the Queen of Hearts to just take her TARDIS out for a drive. Sure, the machine often masqueraded as a sports car (Moxxi wagered that she just couldn't stand to be outdone by her flashy owner) but she was still a TARDIS. The brunette hadn't thought she could actually drive like one of those human cars.

So tonight had been a rather pleasant surprise. Up until some idiot crashed into her. Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, someone was trying to force open the doors of her TARDIS to try and get in. Yeah, as if that was going to happen. No one could get in without being let in. Either by the Queen of Hearts or by the TARDIS herself. Not even the whole of the Queen of England's army; tried and tested fact, that. Ol' Queenie had not been pleased. As if Moxxi cared.

The Queen of Hearts thought that after a couple of attempts, the male (for it was most definitely a male's voice, although she wouldn't rule out an extremely gruff female) would have just given up. But no. Next thing she knew he was attempting to smash out her 'windows'.

"For the love of Rassilon, will you please stop smashing up my TA- car?!" she growled, finally opening her door and stepping out. Her expression softened as she saw the worry on the other man's face. Oh, well, yeah, it wasn't that usual an event to come out unscathed out of a car crash, she had to remind herself. Especially for a 'human'. "Points for trying though. Thanks. But this girl's tougher than she looks," she added with a slight smile, patting her car's roof.
The Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts

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Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts Empty Re: Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts

Post by Richard Holmes Mon May 27, 2013 11:03 am

"Yes I can see that, since I was trying to get the door open." Richard said as he looked at the woman whom came out of the crashed car, he then said "Well its good to see that you are okay, though the other driver ran away, and if you have a phone. call the police."

Richard unwrapped the coat around his arm and went back to wearing it, he then shook his arm a little and said "Next time I see your car crash, I will remember not to try and smash those windows." after that Richard started to look at the car and asked "Do you have insurance for the car?"
Richard Holmes
Richard Holmes

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Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts Empty Re: Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts

Post by The Queen of Hearts Mon May 27, 2013 1:39 pm

The Queen of Hearts grinned at his comment. "She's a fussy thing. Doesn't like letting strangers in," she told him with a chuckle. So very unlike her mistress, who loved the attention of strangers. So alike the Queen was with her TARDIS in so many ways, but in others so utterly different.

She shrugged and waved a dismissive hand at his comment about the driver getting away. "I'd wager I did more damage to him than he did to me, so we're even." She walked around to the other side of the car and grinned widely as she inspected the damage. Not so much as a scratch on the paintwork. The woman gave the car a loving pat. "Insurance, shmisurance. Who needs it when your ride is indestructible?" She chuckled, shaking her head. "What'd I tell you - tough old girl, her."
The Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts

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Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts Empty Re: Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts

Post by Richard Holmes Mon May 27, 2013 10:54 pm

"Bloody fool, the other driver could have gotten people killed, such recklessness." Richard muttered as he examined the crashed cars, he was also a bit curious on how exactly did the lady's sports car survive without much damage, and why he was not able to open the doors not smash the window.

"Well good to see that you and your car are okay from this incident." Richard said politely, he then said "My names Richard Holmes, care to tell me yours." at the same time Richard was examining the lady whom he was talking to, her choice of cloths was something that he found to be slightly uncomfortable with, Richard knew that he was uncomfortable with the way the lady dressed because of the sensibilities of his time, oh how times have changed.

Richard Holmes
Richard Holmes

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Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts Empty Re: Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts

Post by The Queen of Hearts Tue May 28, 2013 11:17 am

Hearing the man's words, Moxxi couldn't help but agree. Not that she cared, since she had plenty of regenerations still left, but it would be rather awkward to regenerate right here and now. Besides, she rather liked this body of hers. She didn't want to have to change it simply because some jerk-wad didn't know how to drive.

"Queen of Hearts, at your service," she replied with a sultry smile. She chuckled, seeing his discomfort at her clothes. Or rather, lack of. "If you'd be so kind as to give me your coat, I can cover up. Since clearly my outfit is making you uncomfortable," she told him with a nonchalant shrug. "Would you like to go get a beer, Richard?" She really wanted a drink right about now. Not beer exactly, since the Queen of Hearts was particularly fussy about the beers she drank, but a cocktail of some kind would do perfectly.
The Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts

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Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts Empty Re: Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts

Post by Richard Holmes Tue May 28, 2013 12:06 pm

"Queen of Hearts, well that's a interesting name, I once met a person whom identified himself as The Doctor." said Richard as he was beginning to wonder if the lady he was talking to was what do they call those aliens again, oh yes, a Time Lord/Lady. Richard then politely said "No that would not be necessary, its just that from where I came from, people dressed more modestly and I still need to adjust."

"Wanting a drink after a accident is understandable, but inadvisable." Richard said in reply to the Queen of Hearts suggestion he then said "If you still wish to drink, I suggest you do it after the police have arrived, lest you be charged with fleeing the scene of a accident."
Richard Holmes
Richard Holmes

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Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts Empty Re: Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts

Post by The Queen of Hearts Fri Aug 23, 2013 11:22 pm

Chuckling, Moxxi gave a slight curtsey. "Well thank you. I like it too. Ended up inspiring a character named after me. Though she and I are nothing alike. Long story that..." She stopped her rambling as soon as she heard the Doctor mentioned and her green eyes widened. "You met The Doctor? The actual Doctor? Crazy, insane and flies about in a blue box?" She bit her lip to add 'destroyer of Gallifrey' to that list. What was the Doctor doing here?!

Distracted for a second as Richard commented about how he was used to a more modest style of dress, Moxxi looked down at her outfit for a second. Next moment the Queen gave a nonchalant shrug before looking back up at Richard. "Humans are always so modest and conservative when it comes to their dress-sense. It's rather strange. I mean, with the amount of layers you wear, you would think it'd be highly cumbersome and a hindrance than if you wore less. You are strange creatures - so concerned with your modesty..." Opening the door to her TARDIS, she leaned inside and pulled out a red velvet cloak which she draped around her shoulders to make Richard feel less uncomfortable about her attire.

"So, let me get this straight - some idiot plows right into me and yet I'm the one that's got to stick around until the police show up?" A sigh left her crimson lips at the stupid logic of the rule. "Y'know, as much as I'd love to stick around and wait, I do have other places I intend to visit before the evening's out." Like a bar or club. Maybe even with Richard. She really did not want to be stuck here waiting for the police to show. "Isn't Scotland Yard somewhere nearby? Can't I just arrive there and be let go?"
The Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts

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Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts Empty Re: Hit and Run // The Queen of Hearts

Post by Richard Holmes Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:43 am

"Yes I met the Doctor briefly, and from your description we are likely talking about the same person." Richard said in a friendly manner, he then listened to the Queen of Heart's suggestion and said "Ah yes, I think it may be nearby, reporting it to them would be faster since I lack a phone with me." Richard then chuckled at that thought, in this modern age he was likely one of the only people whom does not own a phone.

"Well its not that cumbersome the human dress senses, but the dress codes of the modern age are a bit more lax then those in my time period." Richard said as he looked around, the modern way of clothing was something he was not used to yet, most of the things were still the same. Richard then tried to remember where the Scotland Yard was, since he was technically dead and he was also staying illegally in the country because the person whom he used to be was dead since the second world war.

"And I think you got the entire thing just about right."  Richard said as he opened his coat to look for a map, he kept one with him, because with the modern age, he needed to know where was where, he still remembered the general street plans of places, but he needed to know whats new. Richard then said "In this age with all the fancy cars, people lack the sense of safety, order and rules."
Richard Holmes
Richard Holmes

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