The Adventure of the Blue Box
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The Good Ol' Classics! AKA "I Love Your Post"

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The Good Ol' Classics! AKA "I  Love Your Post" Empty The Good Ol' Classics! AKA "I Love Your Post"

Post by Idris Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:01 am

White Crow asked me about starting this thread ages ago and now I've finally gotten around to it. Basically, this is the place where you show off awesome posts that you've come across here on Blue Box.

Quite simply, you quote a post you really like. The post can be amusing, or well-written, or interesting, or whatever. As long as you think it's worth an honourable mention, let us see!

Obviously, you can't do your own posts. The whole point is to have a look at all the other talent that we have on this site.

The Eleventh Doctor wrote:It wasn't often he needed to steer whilst wearing small stilts.

Manically, like a man possessed, he stepped with caution over his tiny, squeaking guests, trying to reach the various levers, knobs, and pulleys that made up the console. The grinding of the handbrake filled his ears as he pulled her in to land, the whirring sound of his dear TARDIS that he loved so much, yet she hated with a passion.

Stepping over his mewling guests, he set up the children barrier over the TARDIS doors, and stepped out, and over the ruddy thing, into a fresh Spring street. He sniffed the air with care.. And scrunched his face up at the resulting smell of pollution and people that filled his nostrils.

You'd think they'd sort that out by now, really... Some sort of air freshener for car exhausts...

It was difficult to concentrate on where he was supposed to be with such silly, tired prattle running through his mind. The past few days had been sleepless.

Baby-sitting Adipose offspring was no easy chore, after all..

He set his stilts just inside the door, locked the little tikes in, and went for an extremely purposeful stroll towards a particularly familiar figure.

"Hello, Pond!"
with the Eleventh Doctor (played by Anthony) and Amy Pond
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The Good Ol' Classics! AKA "I  Love Your Post" Empty Re: The Good Ol' Classics! AKA "I Love Your Post"

Post by Guest Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:51 am

Amy Pond wrote:With a soft sigh, Amy stood in the middle of the almost empty bedroom, looking about. Memories flooded over her, memories that she was powerless to stop. Happy times, sad times, she was reminded of them all. This house held so many emotions and memories, and once upon a time Amy had liked that. But not any more. After all the drama and sadness of the past twoish years, she had decided that she needed a fresh start. She had changed so much since Sherlock's "death", and changed in a way that she didn't like. She'd manipulated her friends, toyed with their emotions, been an emotional wreck, cheated. It had to end; this fresh start was rather overdue.

Packing up the last of the knick-knacks from her bedroom, she picked up the box and headed down the stairs. "Sherlock! Are you done with the kitchen yet?" she called to the detective. How she'd even managed to convince him to help with the packing was beyond her. She figured that John had finally convinced the stubborn man. When Amy had originally asked the pair for help, Sherlock had refused, saying that he was much too busy. Amy's guess (though she didn't voice it) was that Sherlock was sulking that she was moving out of London. Sure, her new place was only 23 minutes away from London central, but this old place was only a block away from Baker Street. Eight kilometres away would seem like absolutely forever away compared to that.

Entering the lounge she smiled at the mutters and curses that came from the kitchen. Chuckling softly and shaking her head, she headed towards him, a teasing grin on her lips. "Cutlery not co-operating huh?" she asked, coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her head against his back. "And here I was thinking they'd behave today..."
Things I Loved Before Are Now For Sale

Amy Pond & Sherlock Holmes


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The Good Ol' Classics! AKA "I  Love Your Post" Empty Re: The Good Ol' Classics! AKA "I Love Your Post"

Post by Guest Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:15 am

The Tenth Doctor wrote:The TARDIS had finally crashed, knocking the Doctor off of his feet and sending him flying out the doors. He tried to regain his footing, but the impact had caused him to pass out.

After a few minutes, his eyes opened slowly. "Ugh.....bad....crash...." Was all he could manage to say. When his strength returned, he got to his feet. He lifted his hand up to run it through his spikey hair, but something was blocking it. It felt like cloth....he took it off of his head. It was a bright red plumber's cap! In the very center, a big red 'M' inside of a white circle. The Doctor's eyes widened. "Are you kidding way!!" He exclaimed to himself. He looked down. Just as he thought! He was wearing a bright red shirt, and blue overalls with golden buttons, the buttons a bit oversized. His red trainers were replaced with brown workboots. His hand quickly reached to his upper lip. He sighed in relief. "No mustache...." He smiled. He would look terrible with a mustache! He then noticed that on his hands were white showman's gloves.

"'s official....I'm in a Mario game.....and I'm Mario...." He looked back at his Phone Box. "How did you take me here? More importantly, how did Winter get here? And where is she?"

He checked the pockets of his overalls. Thankfully, the TARDIS key, and his Sonic Screwdriver were still there. He locked the TARDIS doors, and began walking through the landscape. He was actually a little excited. He had never been in a video game before....and a TARDIS had never been able to travel inside of a video game! Until now! It was fantastic!

(Here's the picture to base off of, Minus the stache of course. )
Mario Who?
The Tenth Doctor, and Winter Mills


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The Good Ol' Classics! AKA "I  Love Your Post" Empty Re: The Good Ol' Classics! AKA "I Love Your Post"

Post by Idris Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:37 pm

Sherlock Holmes wrote:
Sherlock to Mycroft
"For the record, you worry me more than mum's fruitcake."
Clara Oswald wrote:
Clara to Amy
Do you know how beautiful you are? I'm serious. You are amaaaaaaaaaazing. You'd make anyone just want to sleep with you on sight. You should know that. Perfect Amy Pond. Love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3 P.S You're gorgeous! Seriously!!!
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Post by Anthea Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:51 pm

The Nomad wrote:The Nomad head slammed his head into the pillow below him as the mob boss slammed the door behind him. As always, Leo was handcuffed to his bed, with nothing but the blankets over him. As for anything else, they were at the other side of the room beyond his reach. Sighing Leo stared at the ceiling above him, wishing that for one day, maybe longer that he could be free of this life style. At the same time he was wondering how a Time Lord would wind up in this situation, but then he was not really sure if he was a Time Lord, yeah he went through the initiation but he never had the chance to finish thanks to the War that broke out.

Looking over to the window he wished that he had something, or something would happen that would possibly involve getting the blasted handcuffs off his wrist, the metal was terrible, leaving marks on his wrist that would not go away because if the master wanted him in one place he would have the teenage Time Lord handcuffed. Knowing that the chances of something happening was slim to none. Now he  was wishing that he never took the man's offer to help get Leo off the streets, he now wished that he chose to stay on the streets, because then he would not be finding himself practically living a slave.. captives life style.

Exhaling out of his nose quietly he played a losing game of a staring contest with the ceiling, he was just about to drift off to sleep when there were loud foot steps going down the hallway that jolted him out of his sleep. He laid there for another minute or two, possibly five before once again he tried to go to sleep. Then once again there was another noise, but this time coming from inside the room he is in. Afraid and wide awake, Leo looked around his small room for the source.
Quick Getaway
The Nomad and Idris

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The Good Ol' Classics! AKA "I  Love Your Post" Empty Re: The Good Ol' Classics! AKA "I Love Your Post"

Post by Idris Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:19 pm

James Moriarty wrote:Sherlock, Sherlock, Sherlock, how long has it been? When was the last time we played? Oh Sherlock how I missed playing with you, everyone else was so boring compared to you! That was the man's thinking as he walked down the streets of London and was heading to Baker Street. The man was crime itself, he was James Moriarty, the man whom fooled the nation, the man whom made Sherlock fall. Moriarty opened the door to Baker Street, singing a song that he heard from the telly."I wanna be the very best, Like no one ever was." Yes nobody could be every superior to him, it is not that he wants to be the best, he is the best, the greatest mind the world has ever seen. "I will travel across the land, Searching far and wide." Moriarty has traveled across the land, and he had searched far and wide for a worthy opponent, and Sherlock Holmes was the closest thing to that. "The power that's inside." The power of intelligence a great weapon, but it also made life dull, so very dull. "I know it?s my destiny" to make Sherlock Holmes fall, and never rise up, every story needs it villain after all and this time the villain will win. "Every challenge along the way, With courage I will face, I will battle every day, To claim my rightful place." As the most deadly person on the planet. "Come with me, the time is right, There's no better team, Arm in arm we'll win the fight, It's always been our dream." To end the final problem of life Sherlock. Moriarty then picked open the door to 221B Baker Street, he casually walked in and started to make tea. He then wait for Sherlock to return to the flat.
Tea? For Old Times Sake
Jim Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes and Amy Pond
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Post by Clara Oswald Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:54 am

The Eleventh Doctor wrote:When Clara had entered the TARDIS, the Doctor looked up from the console with a smile, about to say something, but he stopped himself, noticing that there was something wrong with her. His smile immediately faded as he straightened himself up and fixed his bowtie. Walking over to her, he heard her voice murmur with closed eyes. What was wrong with her.

"Yes?" he asked her before she spoke again. What did she want to talk about? Did something happen? He could now see the sorrow in her face as he gave a protective scowl. "What happened, Clara, did someone hurt you? Did they say something; do I need to talk to someone--or better yet, do I need to scare someone, because if I do, I will not hold back!" he went on as he paced around her. "Clara you have my word that whoever it was--I will put an end to the sadness they cause you. Now what is it?"
Got You To Rely On
The Eleventh Doctor & Clara Oswald
Clara Oswald
Clara Oswald
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Post by Guest Tue Sep 03, 2013 8:10 am

The Master wrote:Hearing her response made him smile a wicked smile. He knew every single legend of this girl, from top to bottom. Most nights he would stay up late, studying to get a taste of her character. Even though he studied so much, he knew so little. But he had a good feeling about her help.

The Master knew she was a fire that he shouldn't touch or even try to take charge of but he just had to get her in his fist. He wanted her on his side to control the humans, however this was different, he didn't just want her help and then leave. The Master wanted her, her life , her skills, her knowledge, all for him to own to do what he pleased with it.

He saw her sword and he knew well that she could fight, he would need to take this a lot slower if he was going to have authority over her.  The only thing that got his attention on her was all the blood, he would need a heart-less villian like herself to control the humans, better yet The Doctor. Take it slowly and don't push it. If she knows i want power over her she will fight back and make it impossible to get a grip of. The Master thought to himself.

Whats is your name, I wonder ? he heard her ask him. His eyes went over her with a quick glance of a judgment, after his eyes calmed down they went to her white cat slit eyes. They look cold, like she didn't care anymore. This is great he thought to himself, i will have her in no time, he thought to himself. " My name is The Master, and who are you with such heartless eyes that are slit like you were born to kill? " The Master answered quite confidently.

She seemed to be lost and clueless, that wouldn't do, he would have to get her to open up to him so he could find out exactly what to use against her. Oh but where would he start? Would it be possible to make the cold hearted woman fall head over hills? Or would he have to use full on manipulation? So many questions came to him, but he already knew what he had to do to get her on his side. He knew it was going to be so easy and fun to do, he just couldn't wait to get started. The great and powerful winter will be MINE!
A Dark Side
Winter Mills & The Master


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The Good Ol' Classics! AKA "I  Love Your Post" Empty Re: The Good Ol' Classics! AKA "I Love Your Post"

Post by Idris Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:18 pm

Rory Williams wrote:"Pancakes!" Rory smiled, but again, his social awkwardness was getting the better of him. "You like pancakes? S-So do I! Love them, they're delicious!" he laughed sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head. Silence fell over them for a moment and then he spoke again. "Sorry. Got carried away. I just... er... really like pancakes?"

He looked around for a moment and nodded. "Well... sorry. Again. I did just get off my shift if you still wanted to go and get food..." he started to think that he was freaking her out. He was really bad with the ladies. To this day he still wonders why Amy ever fell in love with him.
End Of Shift (M)
Rory Williams and Svetlana Orlova
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Post by Guest Sun Nov 10, 2013 1:57 pm

The Ninth Doctor wrote:He waited patient as ever, his greyblue eyes scanning the ground beneath his feet as if something was truly interesting there. The hard black tar seemed dark enough that it could swallow you into a oblivious, it vaguely reminded him of a black hole oddly enough. Giving his head a small shake he chuckled to himself only to glance up when he heard the Tardis doors clicking, signalling the arrival of his ever lovely companion.

His eyes widened at the sight of her, the low light of the early evening seemed to only compliment the beauty that is Rose Tyler. He was at a loss for words, for once, lost in her. The dress was simply a dream, a lovely alabaster in its main hues with the aqua color embroidered in, it was perfect for Rose. Releasing the breath he had unknowingly been holding after his lungs began to protest, a wide grin spread across his face. "Be still my beating hearts, Rose, you look stunning, gorgeous, utterly fantastic, I cannot find enough words even with my extensive vernacular."

It was then that he realized she'd asked him a question, releasing a soft chuckle he reached out to take her hand. "We're in London." he mused, unwilling to give away every detail. "Shall we love?" giving her hand a soft squeeze he walked forward, the grin still on his lips, he was always happier with Rose. There was no worries to be had when the light to his life was there, miss Rose Tyler, the most important woman in the universe.

Strolling forward he led her down the street enjoying the pale lighting of the sky as it faded into deeper dark, unleashing the stars in it's wake. When the street ended and began again on a dirt path that went up a grassy hill, the soft sound of music could be heard as they go closer. Upon the top of that hill is a large gazebo with lights strung across it and the surrounding trees. It is a beautiful sight, shining just for the two of them. He didn't want a crowded room of people, just something nice for them to share, something they'd both remember.

Looks something like this;
We Danced Anyway
The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler


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Post by Guest Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:22 am

Rose Tyler wrote:The two women outside the tardis certainly weren't kind. Smart little remarks about how many companions there were and gave her looks that reminded her just how young she was. Rose wouldn't let it ruin her day, after all, she had been nearly the exact same just a few weeks ago. Rose beamed at the eleventh doctor, she really doubted that he had been concerned about whether or not those invited would attend. It seemed just his style to invite as many people as he could possibly think of.

Following him into the dining room her eyes widened and she set the food she brought on the table.

"This is new, you get a new room for the tardis often then?" Rose wondered, like every other room of the tardis, it was overly large. She supposed it was just him showing off. Rose took a random seat, looking up at the two women kindly. After all, she didn't see a point in snipping back.

"I'm Rose, nice to meet you."

Thanksgiving With The Doctor,

Rose Tyler, Elizabeth Shaw, Barbara Wright & The Doctor (more people might join)


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Post by Guest Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:57 pm

The War Doctor wrote:The Doctor could obviously see that the young woman needed his assistance. Even if she was denying it, he could see the struggle in her eyes and the shakiness in her hands as she held on for her dear life. At first, he didn't say anything, just watching as he contemplated helping her. He felt as though if he did so without her permission, she'd probably get angry at him and cause an argument.

She then mentioned something about a vortex manipulator, to which the Doctor's eyes perked down at her in curiosity. "You have one of those, eh? And where did you happen to get one of those?" he spoke in interest. He could see that she was slowly inching toward the tip of the cliff, to which he then knelt down onto his knees and reached his arm far down to grab her.

He could see the manipulator on her wrist, and he had a hunch that her asking to fix it was a way of getting him to pull her up. How else was she going to get it to him? He could already tell this woman wasn't going to admit to needing help. "You remind me of myself. Stubborn and afraid to admit when in need. It's okay to ask sometimes, you know." he laughed very lightly with a crooked smile, pulling her up.

How We First Met
The War Doctor and Winter Mills


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