The Adventure of the Blue Box
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"The Adventure Of The Blue Box" has shut its doors here and moved to a different host. The new site can be found HERE. The admins want to thank everyone who made Blue Box amazing and gave us wonderful memories and fantastic rp adventures. We hope to see you on the new site! Members can still log in and get their stuff if they need.

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Taking A Walk // open

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Taking A Walk // open Empty Taking A Walk // open

Post by Cade Foster Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:39 am

It was a warm but overcast Sunday. Autumn was setting in and slowly painted leaves golden and reddish hues.
A great day for taking a walk at park.

Cade was dressed casually. Jeans, simple black hoodie, leather jacket and his customary Converse.
Escobar, the 'guide dog', had his official vest on and looked quite smug about it. Probably all other dogs were jealous of Ess.

The park was not too full of people as it was barely a midday. But there were quite a lot dog-walkers and nannies with kids playing and running around.
Cade Foster
Cade Foster

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Location : London Underground

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