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Back To Basic // Queen Of Hearts

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Post by Allisson Carter Mon May 20, 2013 6:28 am

It was almost time for her performance. Ally rarely felt nervous about her shows. It's nearly become her second nature over the past couple years she's been in London constantly.

There'd been times when she performed all over the Europe and States. She still missed Spain and Italy where she'd performed in major shows and also her own.

Generally Allisson did singing and played music herself. But she was known for big theatrical shows that required full stage and lots of equipment supporting visual effects and helped audio.

Today she decided that it was time for simpler things.

Ally checked her piano and guitar. There was also a violin waiting for her ti touch it again. She smiled.
Allisson Carter
Allisson Carter

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Post by The Queen of Hearts Mon May 27, 2013 12:28 am

She wasn't exactly sure what had compelled her to stay here in London for so long. With the exception of when she'd first come (or rather crash-landed) to the city all those years ago, the Queen of Hearts hadn't been back since. Too many exotic places to visit elsewhere in the universe; why stick around in London?

It wasn't that she was bored of London. The city was plenty interesting if you knew the right places to look and go to (which Moxxi, being Moxxi, of course knew). But the woman couldn't live without adventure and excitement. She needed a constant adrenaline or endorphin rush. Without it she couldn't survive. Without those rushes she just stagnated. So she was constantly changing her location, changing the scenery. Always gone before it got too boring.

Tonight was her last London night, she'd decided. One last night drinking and partying with the humans, then off to party and drink with the aliens. The Queen of Hearts took a sip of her drink, studying the swirling ice thoughtfully. Maybe she should take up some new company for her travels. Some pretty young thing that she could cart around and show the universe to. She was, after all, an incredible show off.

Pondering over this idea she turned to face the stage. From what she'd gathered, there was going to be a live show tonight. Who knows, could be interesting, Moxxi thought, brushing her fringe from her eyes and taking a sip of her drink. She just hoped that the entertainment would be attractive. Other than that she wasn't fussy.
The Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts

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Post by Allisson Carter Mon May 27, 2013 8:35 am

Ally once more checked the simplest equipment she had had in a while. Maybe, and just-for-a-moment maybe, she tried to think about other entertainment options.

But nah, she somehow loved her current flow.

So after scanning the crowd one last time Allisson put on her charmer smile and spoke: "Heya guys! It's nice to see you all here. As you may have noticed this won't be my usual style. But I hope you'll enjoy nevertheless."

And with one more grin Ally touched the guitar and started the first strings of the first song...
Allisson Carter
Allisson Carter

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Location : In the field of paper flowers

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Post by The Queen of Hearts Fri May 31, 2013 7:54 pm

Moxxi watched a raven-haired female checking over her equipment, before swirling the ice in her drink around with her straw. She entertained herself for a couple of moments with trying to decide what the music style of the night would be, before simply deciding that she'd take what came. In any case, if the Queen of Hearts really disliked it she could always take off.

When the woman on stage looked over the crowd and spoke, Moxxi turned her green eyes to look at her. She was really beautiful, in a dark and gothic kind of way. Finishing her little speech, she began to strum her guitar and a slight smile curled up the corners of the Time Lady's lips. If her voice was as melodic as her playing, Moxxi would definitely have to buy the pretty thing a drink.
The Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts

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Post by Allisson Carter Fri May 31, 2013 10:30 pm

After three songs Ally switched to piano. She loved the instrument and rarely refrained from playing whenever she saw one.

So Allisson sung one of her first songs, called My Immortal, and let the music vibrate through every fiber of her not-so-human being.

This seemed like a good idea to to her show with simplicity rather than huge extravagance like she used to.

And then she felt eyes on her. The feeling left her skin tingling in a pleasant way.
Interesting, raven haired thought to herself.
Allisson Carter
Allisson Carter

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Post by The Queen of Hearts Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:07 am

The Queen of Hearts watched the singer, drink forgotten. Her voice was enchanting, no other word for it. Enchanting and haunting, even. A killer combination. And the way she made the piano sing out its haunting melody was mesmerising to watch.

Studying her, Moxxi began to wonder whether she had done this before, performing in front of an audience. Judging by the fact that the woman (whoever she was, since she still hadn't spoken of her name) didn't at all look shy and instead just looked comfortable and at ease up there, the Queen guessed that she had done this plenty of times before. Of course, she could be mistaken, since in her time she'd met plenty of newbie artists who were as comfortable up on stage on their first time as a fish in water.

Making a note to ask the pretty Goth, just to satisfy her curiosity, Moxxi continued to listen, letting the melody and the voice wash over her.
The Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts

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Post by Allisson Carter Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:32 am

Still feeling the pleasant tingle of someone's eyed on her, Ally let herself drown into the magic of music and her own world. She felt in perfect comfort and happy. The crowd liked and she hoped for fair sum too. Rent has to get paid somehow and if that could be done while enjoying the process then it was considered as awesome thing.

It took about an hour and half for her program to be finished by her final song- on spot created improvisation piece only vocal and piano accents, a heartfelt song about dark night in the woods searching for someone missing.

After that Allisson felt pleasantly tired and headed to bar for a drink- her usual post-performance tequila/mojito/whiskey/daiquiri mixture. She needed to let it go and be back in her 'mask' before anyone noticed her slipping into true self, which was someone slightly less polite and not-so-high on pecking order. Plus, beating fellow alien in their drinking game was always a nice end of the day, raven haired decided while emptying her shots.
Allisson Carter
Allisson Carter

Posts : 61
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Location : In the field of paper flowers

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